Chapter Four The Surprise: Part One

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Marinette POV

About half an hour after Alya texted me I hear the door open. Oh it must be Alya and Nino' I think to myself as I hear the door close and footsteps coming closer. "Hey Alya! Hey Nino!" I yell towards the footsteps. In response I hear a faint "Hey girl!" in response. As I hear the footsteps coming into the living room I can hear Nino. 'Why is he slurring?' I think when they both come into view. Alya gives me a look that says 'I'll explain later' as they walk up the stairs to Nino's room.

Time skip

'What's taking Alya so lo-' I think before being interupted by by footsteps desending down the stairs. "Alya what took so long?" I yell to her. In response I hear a small voice ask "Mommy? Ish Awya an Ninow back?". Then I realized that it was Adrien coming down the stairs after just waking up. When he comes into my view he runs towards me and sits in my lap. I stroke his hair gently and say " Yes princess they did come back. Alya is just upstairs with Nino." He looks frightened so I ask him what's wrong. "W-wha if they Don w-wike me anymore cuz I wike t-this mommy? They won wanna be my f-fwiends anymow" Adrien says while crying. It shatters my heart that he could think that.

"No sweetheart thy would never do that. They would still love you." I tell him while hugging him tightly. "And can I tell you a secret baby?" I ask him. He responds with a nod of his head and I proceed. "Alya is a mommy too. Did you know that?" I ask him. His face lights up. "Rewwy mommy? She is?" He asked me. "Would I ever lie to you princess?" I ask him and he shakes his head no.

Just after that I hear another set of footsteps coming down the stairs. I again ask " Alya what took so long?". She just responds in an exited tone of voice, " Sorry I'll tell you once I get down there girl!"

I look over to my princess and I notice he looks a little bit scared. I pat his head and whisper sweet nothings into his ear. Once he's calmed down I hear Alya coming into the living room. "Hey Mari! And hey princess. How are you?" Alya asks us. I respond with a " Hey Alya." and Adrien nuzzles his head into my neck while blushing immensely and whispers a " Hi Awya. I'm doing good.". "Well that's great little one" she says while patting Adrien's head while his blush grows ten shades darker. We both giggle at his cuteness.

"Oh my gosh girl! Guess what?" Alya asked me. "What's up Alya?" I respond. " So today I found out that....." Alya pauses. " What? What is it Alya?" I ask her. "Sooo..... Nino's a little!!" She tells me excitedly.

I'm so shocked I can't speak. I eventually respond with " W-what really? That's awesome Alya!" She smiles widely and nods her head up and down excitedly.

   Adrien excitedly squeals " He ish!?" at us while bouncing up and down slightly. Alya nods and smiles at him.

   I inturupt by asking where he is. Alya just points up the stairs and says he's taking a nap.

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