Chapter Seven: Waking Up And Embarrassment part one

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Marinette's POV
We finally got to my house and Chat wanted to watch a movie. I started Tangled on my computer and he started to clap his hands and giggle in content. I smiled warmly and got a box from under my bed. I was saving these things for Adrien but Chat needs them right now I think as I get out a white onsie, pacifier, diaper, diaper changing supplies, and a stuffed cat.

Adrien's POV
Ladybug brought me to mommy's house. They must know each other! I'm not comfy in this outfit. It's not soft or comfortable. "Pwagg! Cwaws out!" I say and Plagg comes out of my ring. I start to squirm because my civilian clothes arnet comfy either. I cry softly because I want mommy or Ladybug.

Marinette's POV
"Pwagg! Cwaws out!" Is what I hear Chat say before his kwami comes out of his ring. I want to look away but I can't. I-its Adrien! But how? You know what it doesn't matter right now my princess needs me. I think as I say "Tikki! Spots off!". Tikki comes out of my earrings and I walk over to Adrien. " Hey sugar plum. Do you want me to change you into a onsie?" I whisper to him and he nods his head. I pause the movie and bring him to my chaise lounge. I change him and bring him back to my desk so he can watch the movie.

I unpause the movie and he watches it while cuddling his stuffie and sucking on his pacifier. I can't help but to take a picture to show to Alya.

 I can't help but to take a picture to show to Alya

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(The art was made by myself)

After about a half an hour Adrien is rubbing his eyes and yawning. I pause the movie and he whines. I pick him up and carry him up to my bed. I tuck him in and lay next to him. "Good night princess." "Nigh nigh mommy" he says and then yawns. Tikki and Plagg fly over from my shelf to come lay by us. "Hey Marinette is it ok if Sugar cube and I sleep next to you guys?" Plagg asks me with a sheepish look on his face. "Of course Plagg! Make yourself at home you're welcome here anytime!" I tell him with a warm smile as he smiles back at me. "Thanks Mari!" He tells me as he flies to my pillow with Tikki. "Good night Marinette." They both say simultaneously. They start to giggle and slowly drift off to sleep. I get up slowly as to not wake up Adrien and the kwamis.

I slowly open up my trapdoor and climb out onto my roof. I yo yo around Paris and patrol.

~Time Skip~

When I finally get home it's about 12 am and I'm exhausted. Everyone is still asleep and I don't want to wake them so I just sleep on my chaise lounge. I can't wait for tomorrow I think as I drift to sleep.

Miraculuous Ladybug Little Adrien and NinoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant