Chapter 4-Party time😉😏 continued

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A/N: Hey guys let's get this chapter to 10 votes if you guys want to keep reading this! Also it's 4:20 right now just a sec...
Mary is that the police? I'm calling the weed! 4:20 whatcha smokin?
Question of the day: What are your top 5 musical dream roles?
Ok I'm done. Enjoy this chapter!

Alex POV~~~
    John and I stood up in front of the group. I was born to do this! The familiar song opening that I had heard so many times began.

    "You are my fire. The one desire. Believe when I say I want it that way." I sang proudly. I sang the entire first verse and chorus. John's head was down in embarrassment. He blushed heavily. I motioned for him to join in.

    "Am I, your fire? Your one, desire. Yes I know, it's too late. But I want it that way." John's voice floated melodically throughout the room, hypnotizing me. He put an immense amount of power and meaning into the words. It was almost as if he had a personal connection to the words.

I was mesmerized by his voice so much that I didn't realize I was staring at him. We began singing the chorus.

"Tell me why! Ain't nothin' but a heartache! Tell me why! Ain't nothin' but a mistake. Tell me why, I never want to hear you say. I want it that way." As we continued singing the song, I noticed John looked like he was actually having fun and wasn't as scared anymore. I was happy that he was okay.

John POV~~~
Just as the song ended, I felt a rush of adrenaline through my veins. It was beyond exciting to be singing with Alex. And he is a great singer. Everyone applauded and we bowed jokingly.

"Thank you, thank you! We'll be here all week!" Alex chuckled. I smiled at him kindly.

"Alright, I guess it's my turn. Eliza, truth or dare?" I asked.

"Truth. No, never mind. Dare. Definitely dare." Eliza responded.

"Hmm, okay. I dare you to pick truth."

"That doesn't count!"

"Sure it does. Now my question is, what is the most embarrassing thing you've done? Like in your whole life." I challenged.

"Okay," Eliza accepted, pondering her entire life. "Well...There was this one time when..." Eliza turned crimson red.

"When what?" Alex asked, interested. That made Eliza blush even more.

"Okay so, when I was younger, I decided to be in the school talent show. I thought it would be fun, right? Anyway, I also liked this guy named Evan Hansen. I decided to sing a song for him to tell him my feelings." Angelica started giggling uncontrollably.

"Oh, I remember this one!" Peggy nodded along with her. Eliza gave them the death stare.

"As I was saying, I sang him You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift." I wheezed and everyone fell on the ground laughing. Eliza ignored us.

"It's not funny! Anyways, I got up onstage to sing my song, and after it was over I basically told Evan I liked him. He got really sweaty, and then—"

"And then he was like—" Eliza smacked her hand over Peggy's mouth.

"I'm telling the story, Peggy!" She rolled her eyes. "Evan stood up, looking super nervous. I looked at him, hoping that he'd, you know, say that he liked me. All he said was: 'I'm gay.' And he ran out. He freaking ran out of the gym while I was waiting onstage! How dare he! I ran off the stage crying. That's— That's my embarrassing story." Eliza giggled. We all giggled in surprise.

"That was...a rollercoaster." Alex replied.

"That's for sure." Peggy agreed.

"Hey, when is Burr supposed to get here?" I asked. It's been a while since the party started.

"I'll text him." Lafayette said.

Lafayette's POV~~

Largebaguette: mon ami where r u?

AyeAyeRon: sorry I'm at theo's house. Totally spaced the party. I'll be over soon.

Largebaguette: 😏😏😏😉😉😉

AyeAyeRon: What is that supposed to mean?!

Largebaguette: 😘😘💋👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

AyeAyeRon: Whatever...😳😑

I couldn't help but chuckle at Aaron's texts. He finally made a move on Theo! And he was at her house right now!

"Is he coming?" Mulligan asked. "Where is he?"

"Oh yeah, he's coming. He's coming with someone very special."

"What do you mean?" Angelica asked, looking up from her dank memes to join the conversation. Realization hit her. "Oh my gosh, he's finally with her?!" Angelica, Herc, and I fangirled over Aaron and Theo while everyone else sat in confusion.

"What's happening?" Alex asked impatiently. I informed him about Aaron liking Theodosia for years but after Theo broke up with her boyfriend, he finally made a move. The fangirling continued.

"Alright guys, who wants to watch a movie?" Eliza asked. The group cheered in agreement. "Okay, what do you guys wanna watch?"

"Frozen!" Hercules suggested. I blushed and smiled.

"The hell?" Angelica mumbled, still scrolling through dank memes. "What are you, five?" Herc looked offended. I wanted to hug him and cuddle him right here.

"It's okay, I'm a child on the inside." Herc responded with a smile. I was relieved he was okay. It's hard to tell with Herc sometimes.

Someone knocked on the door, and I almost tripped going to open the door.

Burr's POV~~~
I arrived at the door with my new girlfriend, Theodosia. With a smile, she knocked on the door. I heard someone curse and trip inside. Probably Lafayette, I thought with a chuckle. I was right.

"Hey Aaron," Lafayette said. "Theo..." He said with a wink. I shook my head with embarrassment.

"Come on in, guys!" Eliza welcomed. They were a few stray chuckles from the group and a few muffled fan girl sounds. It was clear to see that everyone shipped it.

"Okay, how about we just watch Mean Girls?" Everyone agreed, and we started the movie. This night had been the best. I got a girlfriend and went to an awesome party with my friends. Everything was going wonderfully.

A/N: Don't forget to comment and vote! Love you guys! Let's get this chapter to 10 votes!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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