Well, damn.

Tearing his face away from the screen of his computer, he reaches across his desk and picks up his phone.

I raise a brow at him as he leans over and hands it to me.

I grab it from his hand, looking down at the messages on the screen.

-'You need to talk to him because he's being a fucking hypocrite.'- C

-'Who? What's going on?'- J

-'Take a guess. He's over here giving hand jobs in the gym to someone who isn't his boyfriend. I'll let you figure out who. And then he has the nerve to tell me to mind my damn business as though he wasn't all in my fucking business when I was dealing with Skylar.'- C

-'Okay, calm down. You need to take a minute, go on a walk or something, don't snap at your brother, I'll deal with it. Do you want to stay at my place until I get back into town?'- J

-'Obviously. And it's a little too late for that. Words were said, and I'm not apologizing until he does. I'll text you when I make it to your house.'- C

-'Drive safe, son.'- J

I sigh, handing Javier his phone back.

''I was going to tell you about that,'' I say, sitting back in the chair.

''It happened three days ago Damien, when exactly were you going to tell me about it?'' He demands, his harsh tone humble but I'd have to be blind, deaf, and stupid to not notice how pissed he is at me right now.

''Preferably after I had fixed it,'' I say honestly, earning a glare from him. I look away from his livid gaze, instead focusing on anything else in the room.

Yeah, okay I fucked up.

I had a very heated conversation with Cody about what happened between Steven and I in the gym.

And because of that conversation I haven't spoken to Steven in a few days, which is probably for the best right now.

Being around Steven after me and Cody's fight would not earn me any points towards mending our relationship.

Honestly the argument wasn't really that bad, but I just got annoyed and told him to mind his own damn business.

I was angry.

But I wasn't angry at him I was angry at myself.

I am angry at myself.

Cody said a lot of hurtful shit to me but to be honest none of it was untrue.

I got so worked up because the fact that it was true hurt like hell.

But he was right.

I shouldn't be cheating on my boyfriend.

I shouldn't be telling him one thing and then doing another.

I shouldn't be allowing myself to be put in positions where I'm a bad role model to him.

He got so upset with me though, and the moment the words, 'Is this what you expect me to look up to? A cheater and a hypocrite?' left his lips, I was crushed.

And I didn't mean to hurt him with my words, obviously I wish I hadn't told him to mind his own business. I should've just walked away, took a moment to breathe and re-approached the situation with a calm head but...what happened, happened.

I wasn't mad when he went to spend a few nights at Javier's house. We needed our space. We're both a little hot-headed when we're riled up and distance was the best option.

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