La La Land

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•Steven's POV•

[ Six weeks after ''Stop Leaving Me'' takes place]

I toss my luggage into the trunk, shutting it and walking around the car to the driver's door. I climb in, putting my seatbelt on and starting the car up.

Before my feet can even tap the gas pedal my phone starts to vibrate in my pocket. I reach into my pocket, pulling it out and looking at Harrison's name flashing across the screen.

I roll my eyes, hitting the answer button and bringing my phone up to my ear.

''I thought the twenty unanswered text messages and the eight calls that were sent to voicemail would've been a sign to you that maybe I didn't want to talk,'' I say to him.

I pull out of the parking lot, heading towards the expressway.

''Really? I just thought maybe you were busy and you wanted me to keep calling until you answered the fucking phone!'' He yells into the phone, giving me severe hearing damage. ''Anyway,'' He says, completely calm now. He's fucking crazy, I swear. ''Where are you? You said you wanted to go check out apartments today. I didn't clear my entire schedule just for you to bail on me,''

''And what was your schedule named? Rebecca or Jasmine?'' I ask him, humor very apparent in my voice.

''It was a Teresa, and that's not even funny you know how I feel about Rebecca's now.'' He complains.

I laugh.

''You can't hate every woman named Rebecca just because one of them dumped you. You're an idiot.'' I tell him.

''Yeah, whatever. So where are you? I'm ready to go.'' Harrison asks.

''I'm currently driving out of Los Angeles.'' I reply.

And all hell will break loose in...




''What the fuck are you talking about?!'' Harrison asks, clearly having no regard for my ear drum by the volume of his voice. I sigh, shaking my head.

I put my phone on speaker and place it on my lap.

''I told you I was thinking about coming here last night.'' I remind him.

''Yeah, thinking about doing it. And you think I took you seriously? I dropped half a Xanax in your soda last night so that you would go to sleep early and stop fucking fantasizing about this make believe unbreakable bond that you had with Damien. I know it's hard to accept Steven, but he's moved on.''

''Wait...wait you put what in my drink last night?'' I ask him.

I'm pretty sure it's illegal to drug someone.

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