Skylar's Interlude

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•Skylar's POV•

''I bet you fifty bucks he has us here all day,'' Jason whines in my ear, his voice more annoying than the sound of Styrofoam rubbing against itself. He leans over, deciding to rest his arm on my shoulder. I move my shoulder, nudging him off of me in the process as I reach down and lace up my practice shoes.

We were the last ones in the locker room thanks to this idiot taking all damn day to pack his shit up when the final bell rang. Or maybe I'm the idiot for actually staying and waiting for him.

He gets up from the bench and walks over to his locker, opening it and beginning to trudge through the mess he's made in it.

''You'd think that he'd be in a better mood now that he's getting laid on the regular again but no, nope, he's still an asshole.'' Jason complains, turning around and throwing a stick of deodorant to me.

I catch it, putting some on and then tossing it back to him. I grab my gear and start to suit up.

''You know what I think his problem is?'' Jason asks me, as if my lack of participation in this conversation hasn't been a clear enough sign that I don't give a fuck.

And apparently it hasn't.

''Dude, shut up. I don't care.'' I tell him. My eyes wander around the locker room searching for my helmet.

I have no idea where the fuck I left it.

''Oh yeah, I forgot you two aren't cool anymore. That must make it hard being co-captain with him and all. This wouldn't have anything to do with how everyone's saying that he cheated on your sister with some chick at that party a while back huh?'' He asks.

Yeah, that's what he did.

He cheated on her with some chick.

I scoff.

You just gotta love high school gossip.

I spot my helmet on the floor. I get up, walking over to the jersey that's covering it, and tossing the shirt to the side. I pick it up from the ground, dusting it off. I've got to start keeping up with my shit.

''So,'' Jason starts, still running his mouth despite the look on my face.

I don't see how my resting 'leave me the fuck alone' expression is falling short of getting it's point across but somehow it is.

I sigh, giving him a hard glare.

''I guess you're not coming to the party he's throwing tonight.'' He says.

''What party?'' I find myself asking quickly. I slip the helmet onto my head in an attempt to hide the amount of interest that's no doubt visibly showing on my face.

''Sorry bro, it's invite only.'' Jason teases, undeniably noticing my eagerness to grasp the information. He slaps the side of my helmet as he runs past me and out of the locker room.

I take a couple of deep breaths, closing my eyes. I shake my head, following Jason out of the locker room and into what will no doubt be a miserable three hours of practice.

Cody has been making it his job to steer clear of me ever since my sister took him back.

And it boggles my mind how quick she dove to forgive him yet can't even speak to her own fucking twin for going on two months now.

I mean I get it, I sort of—well yeah I did kiss her boyfriend and in turn that caused her a lot of emotional distress.

I caused her a lot of emotional distress.

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