Chapter Twenty Four

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I just saw you on tv, you were amazing, I wish I could be there 🥺

I smiled down at my phone.

Soon enough tour will be over and I'm all yours 🖤

Cant wait 💕 you'll do great in Manchester tomorrow. Don't fall ;)

Ihy sm

*potential trigger warning*
(This chapter has a lot to do with the Manchester attack, the events that took place were extremely tragic and this is in no way shape or form meant to disrespect the people or events that took place)

"We have to go now" scooter said, barging through my dressing room door.
"Okay let me just get-"
"No, now Ariana" he said, grabbing my arm and pulling me out, rushing through the halls. People were running around frantically.
I was rushed outside and onto the bus and bus quickly left.
"Scooter what is going on?" I said nervously. He sighed and took a seat at the table. He sighed.
"There was an attack" he said quietly. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him confused. "A bombing" he finished.
"What?" I yelled. "Then we have to go back we have to make sure everyone is okay-"
"No, we need to leave, we're canceling the rest of the international shows, we're going back to the states" he said sternly.

As I got off the plane Austin waited at the bottom of the steps for me

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As I got off the plane Austin waited at the bottom of the steps for me.
"You're here?" I asked.
"Of course I'm here" he said, and pulled me in for a hug. The entire flight I was stuck watching all of the news videos and fan videos that were posted from that night, and I felt horrible. My eyes were completely swollen from crying.
"Don't you have a show tonight?" I asked, pulling away from him. He smiled and shook his head. He ran his fingers through my hair and we began walking.
"I cancelled it" he said, wrapping his arm around me. Off in the distance I could see cameramen taking photos. Annoying. Why would they do this when someone is at such a low point in life.
My driver drove Austin and I to my house.
We lied in bed. I was consumed by social media and all of the videos posted. Going through all of the posts, tweets, and responding to as many as I can. At random times, I'd read a tweet, or see a video and just cry. Even though all of the videos showed pretty much the same thing.
"Maybe you should not be on your phone" Austin said, rolling over; finally after my 4th breakdown. I ignored him and kept on scrolling. He grabbed my phone, shut it off and set it on the table next to him.
"Austin give it back" I pleaded. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him.
"No, you need to stop looking at all of it" he said, lying his head on my shoulder. I sighed and turned to him.
"I have to do something" I said. He nodded.
"Eventually, but not right now" he said.
"Maybe a charity concert" I said. He chuckled.
"Didn't I just tell you to stop thinking about it?" He said. I sat up and looked over at him.
"All of the proceeds go to the families" I said. He sat up also and grabbed my hands.
"Ariana you've already arranged to have a lot of your own money donated to them and it wasn't even 24 hours ago." He said. I sighed and sat back against the board of the bed.
"I can have a bunch of people come perform, and we can-"
"Woah, calm down, just rest right now, you don't need to plan anything right now" he chuckled.
"Will you come?" I asked hopefully. He furrowed his eyebrows.
"Well- yeah- but like I said-" he started. I jumped out of bed.
"I need to call scooter, so he can set this up" I said frantically. He sighed and lied back down on the bed. I quickly grabbed my phone, and walked out of the room.
"I don't know Ariana, I don't think it's a good idea" scooter sighed.
"Yes it is, and it needs to happen, so I need you to set it up, for next week" I said. Scooter sighed and pulled out his phone.
"I'll see what I can do" he said quietly.
I pulled out my phone and started calling everyone I knew, in attempt to gather as many people who are available as possible.

"How much did we raise?" I asked Austin. He pulled out his phone and his eyes went wide.
"Wow" he smiled. "13 million" he said. I squealed with excitement. He pulled me in for a hug and kissed my forehead.
"You were amazing" he smiled.
"You were too" I said. He planted a kiss on my lips and pulled me close to him. My head lied on his arm and his hand ran through my hair.
"Thank you for coming" I smiled.
"I wouldn't have missed it" he said, pulling me in tighter. "But I am tired" he chuckled, struggling to keep his eyes open. I smiled and caressed his face with the back of my hand.

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