Chapter Twenty Three

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"Austin" I moaned against his lips. He breathed heavily against my lips, his hands were placed underneath my thigh, and his body pressed against mine, holding me against the cold shower wall. My fingernails dug into his back as he slowly thrusted into me. Painfully slow. "Austin please" I whispered. He rested his head on my forehead and smiled.
"Patience Babygirl" he said, trying to whisper but his raspy voice peaked through. I threw my head back in frustration and he connected his lips to my neck. Leaving small marks all over. I matched his thrusts by pushing myself up and then down every time he thrusted into me. Obviously he noticed. He smiled, brought me down off the wall and turned me around. He pushed my back down and pinned my hands against the wall, and started hitting it from behind. This time I threw my head back in pleasure, and he took the opportunities to run his hand up my scalp, grabbing my hair by the roots and pulling.
"Fuck Austin" I moaned loudly. He brought his free hand down to my hips, resting his thumb on my back dimple and his hands wrapping around, grabbing my hip bone and pulling me into him every time he thrusted into me.
"Oh my god" he moaned, throwing his head back, letting his eyes roll to the back of his head. He let go of my hair and brought his hand down to the other side of my hip and pulled me into him harder. "You're fucking amazing" he moaned, pulling me into him harder and quicker. I could feel the tension building up in the pit of my stomach and my body start to shake. He acknowledged the change in my body and brought his fingers down to my clit, rubbing back and forth, immediately sending me into an orgasm. I curled my fingers against the wall, and came around his dick, his thrusts became slower. He pulled me back into him as far as I could and stopped thrusting completely. This is what he did when he came. I could feel his liquids shoot inside me, he gripped my waist hard, it hurt but it was a good pain. He pulled out and I turned to face him, both of us catching our breaths. He pulled me into him and kissed my lips, bringing his hand to the back of my head, pulling me into his lips. The water rained down on us, but it was extremely hot. We'd been in here for at least an hour, and the fan in the vent wasn't on so the whole bathroom was steamed, making it even hotter. He pulled away and brought his hand to the nape of my neck, resting it there.
"I really like you" he said, pressing his forehead against mine. I chuckled.
"I really like you too" I smiled. He sighed.
"No, I mean, I really really like you" he said once again. I kissed him gently and he kissed me back, but only for a second. "I'm in love with you" he said, against my lips. I pulled away from him and looked up at him, trying to determine if he was being serious or if we was joking. We never said I love you to each other. We'd been together for a little over a year, with a small hiccup, but we were inseparable.
"Really?" I asked, swallowing the lump on my throat. He nodded and pressed his forehead against mine once again. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"I'm in love with you too"

At Austin's party, I had already drank entirely too much, but Austin was still going strong at the beer pong table. I sat to the side and watched, since I could barely stand straight anymore.
"Well, it's nice to officially meet you Miss Grande" a man said, walking up to me. I looked up at the tall figure standing before me. Drake. I rolled my eyes, and ignored his hand. I wasn't fond of the man, but only because if the feud that him and Nicki had. And Nicki is my best friend. He retracted his hand and took a seat, a bit to close for my comfort next to me. I slid over a good five inches and crossed my legs.
"Are you always so hostile towards new people that you meet?" He chuckled, taking a sip of his beer.
"No, I just don't like you" I mumbled, not even making eye contact with him, or acknowledge he was there.
"Really? Cause I was told that you weren't so great to Post, yet look at y'all now" he said. I looked over at him with furrowed brows. He only laughed. I continued to stay silent. "Oh come on. I'm one of your mans best friends, I know all about y'alls relationship" he said, taking another sip of his beer.
"Like what?" I hissed.
"I knew he cheated on you before you did" he smiled at me. I rolled my eyes and looked down at my fingers. "Anyway, why are you sitting here all alone?" He asked, placing an arm on the back of the couch.
"Because I want to" I scoffed.
"I'm just saying, if I were in Posty's position, I wouldn't be letting you sitting out here alone, you're to fine" he smiled.
"His name is Austin" I mumbled. "Some friend you are for not even knowing that" I scoffed.
"No I did know that" he said defensively. I chuckled sarcastically.
"I'm sure" I mumbled. He smiled and scooted closer to me.
"I don't see why we can't be friends, I mean, after all, I'm friends with your man, I'll be around often" he smiled. I once again ignored him. "Oh I see" he smiled. "You're not talking to me because of Nicki" he chuckled.
"Exactly, so I don't know what your still doing here" I said, now beginning to yell.
"Everything okay?" Austin asked, walking over to us. Drake smiled and nodded.
"Just thought I'd introduce myself" he said kindly. Austin reached out his hand and I grabbed it. He pulled me up off the couch and took a seat where I was sitting, then pulled me down onto his lap.
"That's risky" Austin chuckled. "She's not the nicest" he said, leaning over to drake.
"Oh I found out first hand" he said, earning a laugh from both of them. I rolled my eyes and rested my head on the crook of Austin's neck. They continued to have conversation, which I decided to zone out, cause I wasn't necessarily a fan of drake.
After a few hours, it was nearing two in the morning. Many people left but Austin's crew and closest friends were still here. We were all sitting around just talking about anything.
"I'm gon' head out" Khalif said. He brought his hand down to Austin's and they did some handshake.
"Already?" Austin asked.
"Yeah man, I got a girl waiting on me" he chuckled.
"Ain't you got a girlfriend Khalif?" A girl that was sitting across from us said.
"Yeah, but she ain't know, so it don't matter" he said, shooting a wink at her. I rolled my eyes. The people that Austin associated with were really not the greatest. But Austin was different, he didn't really fit in with his friend group. I turned to Austin.
"I'm going to get a drink, do you want anything?" I asked. He lifted an eyebrow and gave me a look.
"What do you think?" He asked. I chuckled and sarcastically rolled my eyes.
"Yeah yeah" I smiled and stood up. I walked over to the bar and ordered our drinks. I could hear the faint conversation. I grabbed our drinks and made my way back to the small room everyone was in, but stopped behind a wall where no one could see me.
"I can't believe you're hittin that Austin, she's bad" someone said. I furrowed my eyebrows and waited for his response.
"Come on bro, don't disrespect my girl like that" I heard him say. I smiled to myself.
"Oh come on, it's not disrespectful" he laughed. "Is she a freak or what?" He asked. I furrowed my brows and walked into the room. I immediately found the man that the voice was coming from and looked at him as I took a seat on Austin's lap, handing him his beer.
"If that was any of your business, I'm sure you'd be first to know" I smiled at him. He got quiet and sat back in his seat. Austin wrapped his arms around me and pulled my upper body back so I was laying on his chest. He turned his head and planted a soft kiss on my cheek.
"I love you" he whispered.

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