Chapter 6

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After my little fight with Bellamy, I found my way back to a spot underneath a nearby tree.  I rolled my eyes, angry and upset with his harsh words.

Soon enough, tears slowly rolled down my cheeks.  I quickly wiped them away with my sleeve, yet they continued streaming down.  Unwanted memories of Bellamy and I flowed into my mind, a whirlwind of emotions consuming me.

I slid myself down onto my back to stare up at the starlit sky. Tree branches reached out to one another, like hands of lovers longing for connection. I attempted to calm
myself, breathing in and out deeply.


The next morning, I awoke confused, momentarily forgetting where I was. I sat up quickly as chatter and movement surrounded me.

The sky was bright blue and the trees a vivid green. I smiled and breathed in the crisp air, forgetting the trivial things of life.

I dusted myself off and stood up, looking around quickly. I located Wells and made my way to him, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Hey, Clarke! There you are. I've been looking for you."

"Sorry. I had trouble sleeping last night so I sort of wondered off... What's the plan today? Any word from Chancellor Blake?" I laughed, changing the subject quickly.

"Nothing yet, but I think I'm going to volunteer to head out with Finn."

I did not like the idea of Wells going off without me, but I choose to not fight with him, knowing it was no use. Wells had a good heart, and he was always a team player. He would do what was best for his people, and for that, people greatly respected him.

"Fine. Then, I'm going, too!" I declared.

Wells gave me a look, surprised by my willingness to partake. "Okay then! Let's go find Finn."

I nodded, trying not to roll my eyes at the stupidity of this quest. I lagged behind Wells, letting him take the lead. Soon enough we found Finn, who was amidst a seemingly interesting conversation with Jasper and Monty.

Finn turned to us, smiling eagerly. I swallowed my vomit. "Finn... We want in on your quest!" I declared sarcastically, barely suppressing a laugh.

Monty and Jasper chuckled from behind Finn, picking up easily on my lame sarcasm. "Us too, Clarke!" Monty chirped.

"Yeah, we're in!" spoke Jasper "Our agricultural knowledge and Monty's engineering skills will be of use."

Finn looked at them, questioning their sincerity and skill. "Well, okay then... I guess we have our crew!" he announced with a light laugh.

We smiled awkwardly to one another, unsure of our next steps. "We should probably find Bellamy" Wells decided.

We nodded in agreement, waiting for him to lead the way. I rolled my eyes. I certainly was not eager to see Bellamy after our encounter last night.

I inhaled sharply as Wells approached Bellamy just in front of me. I choose to stare at an interesting leaf on the ground instead of risking eye contact with Bellamy.

Wells calmly announced our plan to Bellamy, and I awaited his protest. Instead, he said nothing. I looked up slowly to read his face. He was studying the group in front of him.

He laughed cruelly, and I clenched my fists in anger, ready to swing. Without even taking a look at me, Wells muttered a quiet, but firm, "Don't."

I softened my grip and relaxed. He knew me all too well. I managed to fake a smile as Bellamy's lips nearly dripped venom.

He suddenly stopped laughing and became quite serious. "Okay" he said.

"Okay?" Monty questioned, now unsure of his sanity.

"That's what I said, isn't it? Do you need anything else from me before you're on your way?" he looked to each one of us, but managed to look straight through me.

We all shook our heads, now uncertain of the quest that lay ahead of us. Without another word, Bellamy spun around on his heel to go speak with Murphy.

"Alright, team!" cheered Finn, trying to lift our spirits. He placed his hands kindly on Jasper and Monty's shoulder and squeezed them tightly.

Wells swung his arm around my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "We're really in for quite the adventure, aren't we?" he laughed.

I giggled at his joke, knowing the truth to his words. "Yes. Yes we are, Jaha!"

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