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The same night
Tiana pov

Right means keem are on our way to the jet but he won't tell me where we're going I let him pick where we're going for the honeymoon because he begged me to and now that I did that he won't tell me where chose to go.

Tiana: baby where are we going

Hakeem: y'all find out when we get there

Tiana: is it a long flight

Hakeem: yup

Tiana: uhh come on babe tell me (touching his body)

Hakeem: uht ahh don't try to seduce me into knowing where we're going

Tiana: I tried

Hakeem: ok I'll give just a hint

Tiana: finally something

Hakeem: its something that you are

Tiana: what kind of hint is that

Hakeem: a hint that doesn't make sense now but is going to make sense later

Tiana: uhh your so annoying when you play these games

Hakeem: aww someone's not happy

Tiana: no I'm not (acting like a baby)

Hakeem: (laughs)

20 minutes later

Now we are on the jet on our way to somewhere.

Tiana: baby can I at least know how long the flight is (getting comfortable under him)

Hakeem: 10 hours

Tiana: what the hell where the hell are you taking me

Hakeem: where going to-wait I'm not telling you tried to trick you sneaky as hell

Tiana: it was worth the shot

Hakeem: come on let's go to sleep

Tiana: ok

5 hours later

Hakeem: baby wake your shaking

Tiana: what

Hakeem: why are you shaking

Tiana: I don't know

Hakeem: did you have a nightmare

Tiana: yea

Hakeem: what was it about

Tiana: it was weird it was about this really creepy it that was watching me and he just wouldn't stop watching me and didn't know until he tried to get in my bed and then a while bunch of other stuff happened then when I started to hide in this closet then you woke me up

Hakeem: you had to be shaking in your dream and that a weird dream

Tiana: yea let's go back to sleep we still have five hours

Hakeem: ok

5 hours later/next day

Tiana: babe get up I think we're here (getting excited)

Hakeem: ok

Tiana: babe where are we

Hakeem: baby we are in Florence Italy

Tiana: wait I'm in Europe

Hakeem: yup

Tiana: that why you said it's something that I am

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