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Y'all I'm making luscious's coma short.

Three weeks
Hakeem pov

It's been three weeks and my dad is still not awake I honestly don't even know what to do at this point. I'm trying to stay sting for my mom and just be there for her. She hasn't been at empire so me and brothers are running empire right now.

Tiana: baby you still going to see your dad

Hakeem: yeah (sighs putting his head down)

Tiana: what's wrong (lifting up his face)

Hakeem: I just wish he'd wake up

Tiana: I know baby I know but a lot of things take time ok you have to be patient (kissing his forehead)

Hakeem: yea (holding her lower back)

Tiana: everything is going to be I bet he is going to wake up in no time and be back to his old self again

Hakeem: I hope (sighing)

Tiana: my poor baby (mumbling)

At the hospital

Hakeem: hey ma how you doing

Cookie: I'm ok

Hakeem: you sure

Cookie: just wish your father would wake up all ready

Hakeem: like Tiana told me all we have to do is be patient

Cookie: how is she anyway

Hakeem: she's fine

Cookie: that don't sound so good talk to me about it

Hakeem: you sure

Cookie: yea I could use the distraction

Hakeem: ok so a few day ago Tiana mom called her to ask if they can meet up when she asked that Tiana got in her feelings and was so upset that she yelled her through the phone

Cookie: she just yelled at her for asking if they can meet

Hakeem: yea it sounds strange at first but listen to this when I finally asked Tiana why she was yelling over a question she said that her mom said to her that she wants to be in her life again and be the mother that she can be. I never understood why Tiana hates her mom so much until she told me that when she was little her mother used to be a drug addict and that one time she left the stove on and fire got everywhere and Tiana got burned

Cookie: damn

Hakeem: yup and then she told me that her mother chose her boyfriend and his drug over her. That's when her grandmother started to raise her. She told me when we first started dating that she never knew who's he was but I guess she was just hiding all her pain and didn't want to speak about it.

Cookie: remember when you didn't want to speak to me, be around practically didn't want me in your life. That's how Tiana feels right now she doesn't want someone who abandon her to make amends

Hakeem: ma you didn't abandon me

Cookie: I used to feel like I did

Hakeem: I just want her to let her mother in her life and give her a chance like I did for you.

Cookie: baby all families are different and what Tiana has been through it's going to take more than a conversation for her mother to get back in her good graces

Hakeem: I just want what's best for her that's it

Cookie: and that might or might not be her mother but as long as you are there for her and she knows you got her then that's all that matters

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