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-Time skip to thursday-

-Joonhae: Are you sure that I can't assist the event along you two?
-Jane: I'm going there to take pics of her... Nothing else...
-Joonhae: Y/N...
-Y/N: I'm heading there just to make sure that everything works out smoothly... It is all because its the first official activity we do...
-Joonhae: Aww... Then, what do we do?
-Y/N: You and Daenam can clean the club's room... (jokes)
-Daenam: Yah!
-Y/N: Hansung, make sure to upload the pics Jane will take, okay? (smiles)
-Hansung: Yeah, don't problem. Have fun... (smiles)

Jane and I then start heading to Itaewon... I'm nervous... Why tho? I just need to make sure that Jane is able to take the pics... If Chaer discovers me, I'll just say that I was passing by...

-Jane: Oppa...
-Y/N: Hmm?
-Jane: You like Chaeryeong-ssi?
-Y/N: H-Huh?! (trips)
-Jane: I'll take that as a "yes"...
-Y/N: That's not true... We are just childhood friends... Uhm... Yeah, we don't have any other kind of relationship... (embarrassed)
-Jane: You should be more honest and admit your feelings... (smiles) You'll be happier if you don't lie to yourself...
-Y/N: Y-Yeah... Why are you telling me this so suddenly?
-Jane: Because I'm lying... (looks down)
-Y/N: What? (confused)
-Jane: I'm helping you not because of Joonhae oppa, but because of me... (sighs) I know that he likes Chaeryeong, that's why I'll try my best to make you date her so I can have him... I'm egotistic... I know... (sighs) If I'm part of a fan base, I should at least have honest feelings for the artist... That's why I'm apologizing...
-Y/N: Well... Your reason doesn't matter at all because at the end you are helping us giving your best (smiles) You can say that you are doing this for love... It sounds way better than saying that you are lying... (chuckles and pats her head)
-Jane: (smiles) You know, you would actually be a great boyfriend if you were not that shy and oblivious...
-Y/N: Don't tease me... Im your senior... (embarrassed)

-Time skip until you reach the event place-

-Jane: Woah... There's a big crowd here...
-Y/N: Yeah... I'll be looking from afar... (smiles) Good luck!
-Jane: (nods) I'll be leaving... (heads towards the first row with the identification)

I towards a tree and lean my back against it... I hope she manages to take nice pics... I also wonder how will Chaer react once she sees the fan base there...

We are at the new Itaewon Park... There's a lot of cameras... Since the first moment that we step out of the van, we are attacked by a lot of flashes... I don't even know where to look...

-Yuna: Chaeryeong-ssi... Look, that's your new fan base...
-Chaeryeong: Who? (confused)
-Yuna: "From Shadows"...
-Chaeryeong: What?! (rushes towards Jane) Hi! I've been waiting for you!
-???: For me? (smiles confused) Can I take some pics of you?
-Chaeryeong: Of course you can! (smiles and poses) Can I ask you something?
-???: Yeah? (taking pics)
-Chaeryeong: What's your name?
-???: I'm Jane... Why? (chuckles)
-Chaeryeong: You know Shadow, right? (smiles)
-Jane: I do... (smiles) Somehow...
-Chaeryeong: Awesome! Then, you know his real identity?
-Jane: Hmmm... I don't know, our president is really mysterious...
-Chaeryeong: Can you tell him something from me? (smiles)
-Jane: Sure (smiles)
-Chaeryeong: Tell him that I'm looking for him, that I want to meet him... Also, tell him that I'm really really thankful for this! (giggles) I'm really excited that I don't remember everything that I wanted to tell him...
-Jane: (chuckles) Guess you really like our president...
-Chaeryeong: He's really special for me... (smiles)
-Jane: I'll tell him, don't worry (smiles)
-Ryujin: Chaer, you are with the same fan base all the time! You need to changed to another camera...
-Chaeryeong: Oh, uh... Sorry I need to leave (smiles)
-Jane: Yeah, don't worry (smiles) Thanks for the pics...
-Chaeryeong: Your welcome (smiles and bows)

It seems like they are done with the photos and they'll start with the fansign now... I wonder how was it, she still needs to take some pics of what's next, but I'll check on her...

*Calls Jane*

Jane: Yeah?
Me: How was it? Did you take the pics?
Jane: Yeah, I did... She's really pretty! Oh, she also said that wants to meet you and that you are really special to her... She's really thankful for everything you are doing for her...
Me: (chuckles)
Jane: Oppa?
Me: Hmmm?
Jane: She really wants to talk with you... Is there any way we could...
Me: Uh... (sighs) I'll give you something, wait for me at the park's toilets...
Jane: Okay, but be fast because they are starting with the fan sign...
Me: Yeah, I'll be fast... (hangs up)

I really didn't have anything like this on mind at first... But I guess that there's no option. I'll write a note and give it to Jane so she can give it to Chaer... Gosh... What should I write?

I had to head to the toilets before we started with the fansign. When I'm about to leave back with the girls, I spot a familiar boy. He's the one who brought Chaer back to the dorm the other day...

I wonder what is he doing... And why is he talking with someone from a fan base? Is he related to any of them after all?

-Y/N: Here... Give this to Chaer, I have signed it as Shadow... (smiles)
-???: Why don't you just approach her and tell this personally?
-Y/N: Do you want me to die because of embarrassment?!
-???: Okay, okay... I'll give it to her while I'm taking pics of the fansign... (smiles)
-Y/N: Okay, ill be leaving already... I'll be waiting for the website updates...
-???: Got it, see you oppa (smiles)
-Y/N: See you (smiles)

No way... This boy is the one who Chaers is looking for so desperately?! But she has him right next to her! What should I do? Should I tell her that I just found Shadow?

Oh no... I really don't know what to do... Anyway, let's head back already, they are waiting for me to start...

The fansign starts and suddenly, I spot the girl from before calling for me with a paper on his hand... I wonder what is it... I ask the manager to pick the note and hand it to me...

-Jane: The president answered you (smiles)
-Chaeryeong: (excited) Shadow?! (reads the note)

"Don't be thankful. You are also really really special to us. Thanks for everything you do and for keeping that precious smile of yours... Fighting!


-Chaeryeong: When did you tell him?! He was here?!
-Lia: Chaer, the fan is asking for your signature... (chuckles)
-Chaeryeong: Oh sorry... (signs the album) Shadow was--(Jane left) Where is she? (looks around)
-Yeji: What happens?
-Chaeryeong: (shows her the note) He wrote me (chuckles)
-Yeji: O-Oh... (smiles) Great, I guess...
-Chaeryeong: Yeah, this made me feel like he's really taking care of me from shadows... Its really comforting! (chuckles)

SHADOW- Chaeryeong x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now