Short Snippets Volume #1

50 10 9

1. Kaitlyn, age 11: "It's one size-fits-all, just different sizes."

2. Kaitlyn, age 12: *thinking about character description, out loud* Tom was a full grown man, 18 inches tall, with sandy blonde hair.

3. Me, age 16: "Stupid Heart!! Stay where I put you!"

Kaitlyn, age 12: "............."

4. Kaitlyn, age 12: *trotting across the room like a horse, while hopping*

Me, age 16: "What are you doing?"

Kaitlyn, age 12: "I'm a French-Lipizzaner."

5. Erianna, 6 year old niece: *sees Sarah's glass of water with no ice* "Are you allergic to ice?"

6. Kaitlyn, age 12: *Walks into kitchen with an accomplished air about her* "I've gotten all of my schoolwork done for three days in a row now! I feel like an accomplished woman!"

7. Kaitlyn, age 12: "Swimming underneath the pier was REALLY fun. But touching the mossy, hygieney pilings. Ugh."

Sarah, age 28: "I think you might mean algae?"

8. Me, age 14: *Wondering out loud what a live-action How To Train Your Dragon would be like.*

Kaitlyn, 10 years old: "They should get Liam Hemsworth to play Hiccup!"

Me, age 14: "Have you seen Hiccup?! Have you seen a picture of Liam Hemsworth?!"

Kaitlyn: "Yeah! He's the one on the watch posters!"

Me, age 14: "That's Chris Hemsworth!"

9. Me, age 16: "I can't wait to try the chicken fajitas at Miller's Ale House!"

Kaitlyn, age 12: "I want to get everything at Miller's Ale House!"

Me, age 16: "The name of the restaurant includes the word 'Ale.' You'd have to be over 21 in order to get everything there!"

Kaitlyn, age 12: "That's why we'd bring Dad along!!"

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