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I looked away from Domenico to look at my kids who looked over at us and at the stranger who they don't know yet

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I looked away from Domenico to look at my kids who looked over at us and at the stranger who they don't know yet.

"Hey kids, turns out we're going out somewhere, come on let's go, we don't want to keep Appa waiting" I said giving my best forced smile. I grabbed the remote and turned off the tv. I picked up Tae and hold out my hand for Val to hold to get off the couch.

"Where are we going momma?" Val asked as Kihyun opened the door for us to leave. I felt Joonie play with my hair a bit as he held his plush bunny tight.

"Some where okay baby, we just need to hurry" I told her with a small smile.

"Hi are you momma's friend?" Val said with a smile at Domenico who looked at her in awe as he knew who she was.

"Yes, a old friend, Miss Torricelli" He said looking down at her with a smile. I looked away in shame..

"You're going too uncle Kihyun?" Val said as I held her hand as the two men quickly took us down the hall to leave outside the mansion.

"I'm afraid not, young mistress. I hope you listen to you and your brother always listen to your mom okay?" He said to my girl as he ended up carrying her as we made our way down the long stairs. Joonie was quiet, he's usually quiet when it comes to meeting new people, but I saw him wave and smile at Domenico who smiled back.

Once we were now on the first floor lots of bangs were heard, alarming us and especially the kids. Shit.

"Shanga naskeia. Dammit they're here already" Kihyun cursed in Korean.

"Go take them to the back door of the mansion, and go around get in the main black car!" Kihyun yelled as he passed Domenico a scared Valeria asking what's going on. "Take care Lucia"

I sent Kihyun a nod as he went off in the direction where trouble was sprouting. I looked at Domenico showing him the way to get out of this big mansion. I covered Joonie's ears as he was holding tightly on me but in the process he dropped his favorite bunny but we couldn't turn back now as I noticed some shouting from behind , I side glanced to look and see it was men gaining on us but it was Tae's men vs the Kim's men. We couldn't look back or stop, Domenico and I kept going, holding onto my kids as we made it to the open gate. As shooting went out everywhere I felt a stinging on my shoulder.

"Go! Go! That's the car!" Domenico yelled as the door opened and quickly we got in as shots hit the car but the driver pressed on the wheel as both my kids started crying. I was beyond frustrated, nervous and scared.

"Omma" Joonie cried onto me as Val got out of Domenico's hold to come cry on me. I held both my kids biting my lip knowing this will be remember this.

"Hey, hey it's okay babies. You'll be okay, we'll be okay" I said as I held onto them giving them soothing words.

"Boss said to give these to the kids and have some of your important stuff here in this bag"The driver spoke in Korean as he still drove but opened up a bag beside him to pass me two iPads and then passed me two headphones for the kids.

Thankfully the iPads were not powered off so I gave them to the kids and still told them soothing words and to play their favorite movie on Disney plus. Domenico helped plug the headphone and put it on Val as I did the same to Joonie so they were distracted. I tensed when I heard a big explosion from a far behind us. I looked to see a big fire and black smoke coming from the mansion causing my heart to drop. Tae.

There were more of Tae's men in front and back of us for protection.

"Where are we going" I asked the driver trying to keep my anxiety down.

"Boss said to take you to the airport and meet you and them there" He said in Korean.

"What the fuck?!" I said in confusion and shock as Domenico sighed.

"This is a part of the plan" Domenico said making me look at him with teary eyes and clenched my jaw.

"What?!" I spat making Val to look at me.

I look down at her and gave her a small as I gave a small kiss on her head and held her as she went back to watching Mulan. I noticed Joonie was instantly asleep, most likely tired from everything that happened not so long ago.

"Tae-oh Park came in contact with Massimo 3 years ago" He told me as I placed Joonie on the safety car seat for him. I looked back at Domenico with a blank look as Val now was sitting better on my lap.

"Was it regarding about this Kim issue" I asked looking in front of me as I noticed the cars splitting up most likely trying to distract those who might've been following us.

"Yes and about you, and your kids" He told me making my eyes get cloudy. Tae lied to me, and Massimo knew where I was this whole time.

"Why hasn't Massimo come after me 3 years ago?" I asked him without looking at him.

"He decided to let you be for a while at least and as much as he wanted to meet his daughter and have you back, we were also going through some....business too"He said making me hum.

"I bet he's mad as fuck" I said as I nibbled my lip.

"He may be, but he still misses you and loves you despite it all. He may not show it first but he does still care for you" He said making my stomach churn. I don't think I'm able to face him yet, so much pain and guilt is coming to me. "Besides he has the right to see and meet his daughter, he is the father after all"

"What if he wasn't the father?" I said quivering a bit not looking at him.

"Look bellissima, you know us, we're not that stupid. Valeria Torricelli Petrova. It's in her name, and your friend, our ally, Park Tae-Oh, gave us some information about you as well and kept us up to date with how you're doing" He told me in a matter of fact tone causing me to sigh.

"I'm sorry Domenico" I said softly as I looked at him who was looking at me with a soft smile.

"I know you are, but I shouldn't be the only one for you to say that" He tells me with a pointed look causing me to nod.

"I bet if my dad, Papa or my brother were still around, they'd be pissed" I say with a soft chuckle.

"Oh I bet they would, not only do you have one but 2 kids from two different known Mafia's ever heard bellissima" He said with a chuckle causing me to laugh a bit.

"Yeah I know, partially our faults for not being too careful or using protection during that time. But I don't regret having these two angels of mine, not one bit. I love them so much" I tell him in honesty.

"Yeah I can tell. From what I heard and seen so far, you're a great mom" He told me making me smile as we were okay for now. Val soon also fell into a nap on me as I kissed the top of her head and held Joonie's little hand. No one chased us as we continued our way to one of the airports here in Seoul.



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