It's Not Heaven, But It's Year Seven!

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'Mum!' I groaned. 'We need to go get Sophie's present!'

It was the 9th of April. The clock ticked over to 5:51pm. Sophie's party was tomorrow at 2:00pm. It was a sleepover. My first sleepover at my new friend's house! Because it was still hot, it was a pool party, too. I think it will be great fun!

'Honey, I'm busy! I have to get this stuff faxed to my boss, and then email my clients and then I have to write a proposition!' called mum. 'Can't your father take you?'

I looked at dad. He was sitting on the couch in his navy singlet and Stubbies shorts, drinking Pure Blonde beer. Was he an option? No. He wouldn't have the slightest clue what to buy Sophie. Neither do I. But, I suppose he'll have to do. 'Dad? Can you take me to get Sophie's birthday present?'

'What?' asked a clueless dad. 'Who's Sophie?'

'My friend,' I said. 'Please?'

'Sure, okay,' said dad. 'I'll just get my keys.'

Dad scolded down the last of his beer, and picked up his keys to his Toyota. He smiled at me, but then Audrey swiped the keys from his hand. 'I'm driving!'

Audrey got her license last Tuesday. Audrey + Rebel Behaviour + Driving = Death. I've never been in the car when she's driving. I'm too scared I'll die.

'Does she have to drive?!' I whined.

'I want to get all my hours, so I can get my P's!' said Audrey. 'Let's go!'

So I reluctantly clambered into dad's Toyota.

'Where are we going, anyway?' asked Audrey as she started up the rusty car.

'K-Mart, Target or Big W, Belle?' asked dad.

K-Mart, Target or Big W? What, was I like five? Sophie's turning thirteen! They sell Barbie's and Bratz at those shops! I needed an expensive, exclusive thing. But what? 'Dad, c'mon. Those are retail stores. I need a brand-name store.'

'Like what?' asked dad.

Exactly the question I was asking myself. 'I don't know. A jeweller's or something.'

'Right,' said dad. 'Audrey, Phil's Jewellers in Cane Street.'

We chugged down our street, and into the main intersection.

'Okay, we're coming up to the main intersection. The light's turned yellow, so start slowing down. You won't make it.'

Audrey didn't slow down one bit.

'Audrey, slow down,' said dad. No foot on the brake. 'Audrey. Audrey. AUDREY!'

I screamed. So did dad, I think. I saw in the mirror an evil smile on Audrey's face. Was she planning to kill us?!?!?! Probably.

The light turned red as we were in the middle of the intersection. The old Toyota raced through, and into Cane Street. We were alive!

'Okay, pull over Audrey, that's too dangerous. You're not going to get your P's like that!' said dad.

'Okay!' said Audrey. She parked right in front of Phil's Jewellers. Smart. Audrey cheekily smiled at dad, and dad gave her "the look".

We strutted in (I strutted in) to the jewellers.

'Do you seriously think you'll have enough coinage to buy something here?' asked Audrey. 'Maybe this plastic children's necklace for five dollars.'

'I do have money, you know,' I said. Should I get her a necklace, bracelet or a ring?

I spotted a silver chain necklace with a love heart strung on the end. It looked nice. I had a look at the price tag. WOW! That's a lot of numbers. It was $39.99. Forty bucks! I didn't have any money. Absolutely none! But there was also dad...Nice and easy, Belle, nice and easy.

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