It's Not Heaven, But It's Year Seven!

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We were in the car on the way to Bondi. We live in Glenhaven, NSW. It takes about 50 minutes to get there. Yay. One hour stuck with Sabrina. Well, not really. She wasn't coming in our car. We have a green four-wheel-drive, can't remember its fancy name. Ashton is on his first few months of his "P's", so he was driving. Dad was in the front with him, mum, Lexi and Skye was in the back and me and Audrey were in the boot. You know how four-wheel-drives have seven seats? I was in the sixth seat, Audrey was in the seventh.

The Bink's were trailing behind us. I looked back occasionally and saw Sabrina in the front. She was punching her fist with her knuckle and looking at me. She can't hurt me. And she won't.

We had been in the car for thirty four minutes (yes, I have been that bored I timed it on my phone) and I could've died from boredom. Lexi was bored too and she texted me on Audrey's phone from one seat before me. Then Audrey barked at Lexi for "wasting a valuable cent of credit for nothing". Seriously, Audrey flies through $2o a week of credit, it's insane! I don't get through five dollars, because I have no one to text.

It took fifty minutes for us to finally arrive at Bondi. I love Bondi. It's one of the best beaches in the world.

We jumped out of the car, and ran to get the best spot. It was around ten-ish, so not a lot of people were here. I got one of the four boogie boards, and headed out into the waves. It was cold, but refreshing. Trini, Skye and Sabrina got the other three. Lexi, Audrey, Gisela, (who was only sunbaking because Audrey was) mum and Aileen were sunbaking, Flint was making sandcastles with Darren and dad, and Hank and Ashton were surfing. I know, right, Ashton SURFS! He's pretty good, actually.

I was wading out in the water waiting for a good wave. Trini and Skye were catching one. Sabrina was floating somewhere by too. A big swell was coming. A big wave was forming. This was mine. I caught it, and the spray was scratching my face. It was so fun, until...Sabrina had caught the same wave. Her and her boogie board slid over me, and caused me to fall off. The wave was so powerful, that I was tumbling and flipping all the way back in. I don't know where my boogie board went. I hit my head on the bottom. And I rolled up onto the shore with my blue boardies half way down my knees and a big graze on my forehead. I could feel a lump forming. I was hurting, real bad.

'Belle, are you alright?' asked Skye. 'I saw that. That was a pretty chronic wipe out.'

Skye has a "word of the day" every day. Today it's obviously chronic. Yesterday it was epic. Once it was pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis which is a lung disease or something. She's so stupid! But cute at the same time.

I stood up, but fell back down into Trini's arms. 'I feel really, really dizzy.'

'Come on sweetie, that was a nasty knock,' said mum.

I went and sat in the sun with mum, Lexi, Aileen and Audrey.

I was cursing Sabrina's name under my breath. 'Sabrina, I'll kill her, I'll swipe her, and frig-a-diggin club her...'

'What are you jabbering on about?' asked Audrey.

'Sabrina, Sabrina, SABRINA!' I squealed.

'What?!' asked mum.

'I was catching a wave, and then fat Sabrina came and landed on top of me! That's how I wiped out!' I yelled. 'I HATE HER!'

Aileen looked very offended. 'Excuse me, Belle, but she is my daughter! Sabrina wouldn't harm a fly!'

'Maybe not a fly, but she harms Belle's!' I yelled. And from that I stormed off.  I walked up a sand dune, and plonked myself down. If I could turn back time, I would go and punch Sabrina in the face. Then of course turn back time.

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