"Well, well, well. Is that Poet Price?"

Poet turned his head towards the voice and glared. "Alice."

The blonde glared right back. "Good to see you here. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Not long enough."

If there was one person Poet hated more than Betty it was her mom, Alice Cooper. She'd been apart of the Serpents during high school then turned her back on them and started to strike.

F.P. had told Poet all about it a few years back.

Alice Cooper hated Poet Price right back. Sure, maybe it was wrong to hate a teenage boy with no parents but Alice didn't care. He was sarcastic and dressed in makeup and skirts and was gay. She hadn't told anyone, besides Hal who agreed, but she hated gay people. They made her sick. Especially ones who dress up in girl's clothes and joined gangs.

"It must be hard being here, huh Poet? With your mom being a Serpent and all. Oh sorry, your mom having been a Serpent."

Poet rolled his eyes, "Oh blow it out you're ass Alice. Stop being such a bitch. I'm literally like twenty years younger than you and you're picking a fight with a teenager? Fuck you, dude."

Alice froze in shock and watched the young boy skip away, a smug look on his face. 

The Price boy smirked. He'd won this one just like he won all the others. Poet 11 - Alice 0.

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Poet stood next to Jughead, watching as the crowd booed at Archie and Veronica's performance. They'd been singing Mad World-a strange choice in the first place-and had gone down hill from the first verse. They really did suck.

With his arm around Jughead, Poet mentally booed the two. He liked Veronica, he did but Archie was just a red headed idiot and neither of them apparently knew how to read a room.

Veronica gave a quiet sob into the microphone before running off stage, Archie chasing after her.

Betty, of all people (because apparently she can't help but be the center of attention), walked up to the microphone in their place. 

Poet shifted, pulling Jughead a little tighter against him. He frowned, waiting to see what a shit show this would be.

Then, Betty started to strip and sing. She unbuttoned her shirt, earning a few cheers from the crowd. She undid her skirt, keeping eye contact with Jughead who shifted, obviously uncomfortable. 

Poet frowned, digging his nails into his palm. 

This was why he liked boys. They were less complicated and didn't do shit like this. Sure they can be dicks but they didn't pull just start stripping to a song about how fucked up the world is. Poet would do it for Jughead if he asked, but that was different. Oh and not to mention boobs were weird. He was a bi baby but still. 

She spun around on the poll a few times, doing a horrible job of it. So maybe Poet had taken a few stripping lessons from Toni but that didn't matter. 

Betty stopped and walked back up to the microphone, singing out the last few lines of the song.

The crowd murmured to themselves. Slow clapping caught their attention and F.P. walked up to the stage, people cheering. Poet clapped too, glad that shit show was over.

"Let's give her a around of applause." F.P. gave the girl his jacket and ushered her off stage where Alice waited with a disproving look.

Next to him, Jughead starred at the ground in deep thought. Poet frowned and kissed the boy's temple offering him his drink before turning his attention back to the stage. 

Fluorescent Adolescent~Jughead JonesWhere stories live. Discover now