"Breakfast ready" he told america and pat him on the head



"Heres your delivery....for america?" The delivery man said to russia,

"Meri! Theres some delivery that you bought!!!" Russia yelled from downstair

"OH IT MUST BE THE BODY PILLOW!!" America said outloud and run to the delivery man

"Body....pillow????" Russia is confused, what's a bodypillow??? America signed the thingy (dunno how delivery works) and grabbed the box, since japan give it to him, and knows that its Russia's birthday in the few weeks, she would wrapped it on a box just incase russia saw it

"Uh...its nothing, just from japan, she brought me this amazing gift!"

"Okay....but whatever this gift is, dont give it to me, it sound literally dangerous" america frozed and made an awkward laugh

"Haha....yeah....not for youuuuu..."
America run upstairs to their room, and locked the door, russia looked at him weirdly then chuckled

"What an idiot..."


"Hey am-"


"Woah! woah calm down...! I woke up from you calling me like a thousands times! And you dont treat me with respect? What an ungrateful child..."

"You sound like my dad...."

"Oh! My expression was great isnt it?! I learned it from stalking UK!!"

"Okay, lets not talk...about that...lets talk about the present I would give him!"

"Oh the bodypillow?"

"Yeah, he said he doesn't like the sound of it"

"Oh...I mean in a few days its Russia-kun birthday, his family members and friends will be there"

"how didnt I think of this first?!"

"You never think ame~kun" japan said sassily

"Oh wow thanks jap..."

"But seriously, you have to know what russia~kun likes, how about you asked him?"


America walked out of his and russia room and begin walking downstairs

"Hey ruski?" Russia looked at america, and tilt his head, america thought it was cute

"What do you actually like?"

"Eh....hmmm....my siblings?"

"Wait you mean love right? Not like...."

"What do you- oh...thats gross ame.." russia looked at me in disgust, and america feels embarrassed

"SORRY, ITS JUST ALABAMA HAS BEEN INFLUENCING ME!! And also dont you have any interest more than your sibl- I mean....do you love anything than your siblings?"

"My dad?"

"You- wh- i- I literally hate you"

"you know I know that statement was false and yeah, my life is boring but I really love stars, its just beautiful" russia looked at the ceiling and thinks about stars, and the planets he would like to go to

America was flustered, he thinks that russia was hot when he stared upwards, I think thats a weird fetish but do whatever you want america, im not judging

But america almost forgot that theres 3 days left before Russia's birthday

"Oh WAIT, OH NO!" America panicked, like really panicked

Russia stared at him, and shut his goddamn annoying mouth

"You're loud, the neighbors might think were making love or some crap" Russia's voice was to monotone, and America doesnt know how he is keeping a straight face

He pulled Russia's big, cold hands away from his lips and begin to ramble about how he isnt a bottom


Then became the big day for Russia, America can't do anything so he has to stick of the bodypillow present

"You know....im already regretting this"

"Shh! Ame~kun! Russia~senpai is almost here! Just a few minute-"

Then we hear a door open and we begin to shout

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" Russia looked shocked and see all of his family members are in the room

"Oh...my...thank you guys!" They group hugged Russia, and then Russia begin to open the present on the desk infront of him

The room was smell like vanilla cake, it was Russia's favorite cake flavor, but America thought that Chocolate was more better than vanilla but he can't change Russia's mind so its no biggie

Russia opened Ukraine's present which was a flower crown, but not a normal one but the flowers was rare, he thanked Ukraine for making much time on this

"Oh! Its no worries Rus, Its your present after all! " Ukraine softly smiled

Then he opened USSR present and it was his brown, delicate hat, called an ushanka of course

"Im getting old but this is my left over for you, to my favorite child, so you can remember me" USSR said, Russia hugged him and his siblings too, America might be a little anxious, cause his present was not good as Russia's family members, and his heart is beating rapidly

Belarus give him an art tablet, as you know Russia likes drawing so its very special to him, its not really a hobby but he likes doing it

"I spend my rent for this be grateful!!and I might stole a little bit of Kazakhstan money" she mumbled the last one

"YOU DID WHAT?-" okay....after all of the presents and he finally sees the last one, America's Present, it was long and its wrapped the color of Russia's flag

He rips it open and see...

Then USSR begin to stare at it and glare at America, almost wanting to kill him

While Japan have a smug smile on her face, and his siblings are wheezing

"....America?..this is not what I was expecting" he looked at the present infront of him, his father was going to snap

"Son? Can you get my sickle?"


1535 words, extra thicc, but not anymore for the next chapter I think.... but thank you! really for the 600+ reads :)

~Oneshot Rusame~Where stories live. Discover now