1st Day of Grade 11

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First Day of School and all of us are gathered in the Coliseum, as instructed. My parents dropped me off early today. It's not really on their way, but they insisted to come with me. I happily accepted. I need their support now more than ever.

"Hey, maybe you'd meet our new neighbor there." Dad called out as I was walking towards the front gate.

Ha! If only you know how arrogant he is, Dad. I wanted to say, but I just waved my hand at them ad continued walking.

I just met him twice, and that's enough for me to say that I don't like him at all.

The whole Coliseum is crowded with students trying to locate their classes. There are ushers here guiding us to where our class would be seated for the Opening Ceremony. The student that guided me gave me a seat near the aisle. I fidgeted through my phone because I really don't know what to do.

In my old school, I was always one of the ushers, so it's kinda weird being ushered. I let ket our a deep breathe. I can do this! I'll be fine, I reassured myself.

Before coming here, I laid out rules for myself that I have to follow as a new student:

1. Relax, you'll be fine.

2. Scan the area and look for familiar faces.

3. Make friends, interact with people and get to know their names.

4. Behave, don't be so overconfident. Remember to always know your place.

5. If things don't work out, play with your phone or listen to some music on your earphones.

And the last thing was exacty what I am doing right now.

And no, it's not because things didn't work out. It's just that for number 1, it's hard to relax especially with people all over the place, running around and some were even arguing and yelling at each other. It's so chaotic.

As for number 2, I've done it earlier but I didn't see more than 10 students from my old school and most of them are students that I am not really close with or those that I don't interact with at all.

For number 3, I tried to talk to the person seated beside me ealier. Her name is Ynna, but she seems to be very busy chatting her boyfriend, sending hearts and all that cheesy stuff.

Don't get me wrong, I did not intend to look at her screen. I just happen to get a glimpse because her screen was TOO BRIGHT.

Anyone else sets their screens at full brightness? Because that doesn't work for me.

While waiting, I remembered the incident that happened weeks ago- meeting our new neighbor.

"For me?" He pointed at the basket and grabbed it from ny hand, "I don't think I need this though, but I just woke up so I might as well have some."

He's talking a lot, but I just stood there still not completely processing what was happening, and asked "You're the new neighbor?"

"I mean, if you think about it, I wouldn't be standing here half naked if I don't live here right?"

I faked a laugh. I forgot he only had boxers on. I stood there silent for a second, none of us saying a word.

"If you have nothing else to say, I'd really love some peace." And then he closed the door.

Whoa, he really had the nerve to shut me out when in the first place, he owes me an apology?!

Instead of making a scene, I decided to come back to our house and I went straight to my room. I even heard my Mom murmuring, probably asking me what happened, but I couldn't care less.

From that day on, I never went outside our house or to my balcony. I don't know why I'm avoiding him though, but the mere thought that he leaves just across us annoys the hell out of me.

I pray that I never meet him here.

"Hey, It's Wren, right?" Ynna asked.

"Yes." I smiled, looks like she's done flirting with her boyfriend now.

"Sorry, I couldn't talk a lot earlier. See, I have this boyfriend and he's studying in Manila now. Long Distance Relationship."

As soon as she mentioned Manila, I can't help but remember Matt. Did he follow his parents' choice of studying there? Or is he studying here? What track did he take? I can't help but feel curious. I never heard of him since graduation.

Whatever. Let's not talk about him.

"How about you?" Ynna asked, but I honestly don't know what she was talking about.

"I'm sorry, what was the question again?"

She laughed, "Are you new here? Never saw you here before."

"Yep. I'm new here. So I'm guessing, you're an old student?" I asked back.

"Oh, yes! OMG! Girl, you got me. I've been here for so long. My dad is a teacher here. And I know a lot about this school you can count on me, especially now that we're classmates!" She said, cheerfully. She got a looot of energy.

She's a bit chatty, but I don't mind, really. She seems like a genuine person. Thank God, I made a friend.

The opening ceremony started, but I wasn't really able to focus on it. There were performaces, yes, but the rest were speeches and talks and introductions of teachers and the school staff. Too boring for me.

Throughout the whole program, I was just talking to Ynna. She really does talk a lot and from listening to her, I've learned a lot about this university, Not all, but I think I know enough like who are the best teachers I could count on, teachers I shouldn't mess with, relationships among teachers and students, scandals on school, horror stories and a lot more.

She was about to say something about this "king" but she wasn't able to continue because the MC asked everyone to stand up, signaling na end of the morning ceremony.


After taking our lunch break in the cafeteria, which by the by has 3 floors, we had oir campus tour in the afternoon. It's donw by section.

In this university, there are 4 main buildigs, Annex 1 for Elementary Kids, Annex 2 for Junior High school, Annex 3 for us Senior high school and Annex 4 for College.

The main tour obviously focuses on Annex 3 but our tour guide also showed us the other buildings.

During our tour, Ynna was talking nonstop about this so called "campus king" named Ezekiel, who is known as the school's Casanova.

According to her, he's a consistent top student, popular among the ladies for his brain and good looks. He's in Grade 11 as well.

The way she describes him, I think he's ready good looking 6'3, lean but muscular with wavy brown hair.

He's half Chinese and said to be very wealthy. His parents are board members of the school, so maybe that's the reason why teachers feared him.

"You better brace yourself, Wren. When you see him, you might just fall in love!" Ynna teased.

"I don't think so. I'm so done with bad boys." I rolled my eyes. Love isn't a priority for me right now. I want to excel with my studies here, graduate and proceed to College.

2 years isn't that long. Who knows? I might not even realize it's graduation day already. I just have to stick to my plan of being a diligent student and graduate without any hassle.

We turned to a corner and met another group of students having the tour as well.

And that's when I saw a familiar figure approaching.

"Hi, Wren. It's been a long time."

"MATT?! You study here?" I asked, baffled.

"I guess you could say that. Also, I miss you." And then he hugged me.




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