Chapter thirty - In which you travel to Asgard

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry, I won't." you replied, stifling a laugh and turning to follow Thor who was heading towards the staircase.

"Farewell friends." Thor called over his shoulder as you ascended the staircase towards the roof, and you turned and gave a small wave to everyone before they disappeared.

"So, how are we getting to Asgard?" you asked Thor, trying to avoid his cape which billowed out behind him as he walked up the stairs ahead of you. You were all wearing your gear to look less Midgardian, and you had nothing else on you, apart from the picture of your parents tucked inside your back pocket.

"The Bifrost, Heimdall will open it for us." Thor replied, tossing his hammer up in the air and catching it again as you reached the top of the stairs.

"The... what? Who?" you said in confusion.

"We're flying." Loki supplied helpfully, holding the door open for you.

"We're... flying?" you repeated in disbelief, feeling your stomach drop.

"Don't worry, it doesn't take long." Loki reassured you, creating an umbrella with his magic above your heads as you walked outside into the rain. Thor was for some reason not under the umbrella, and you laughed as he scowled at Loki, becoming soaked almost instantly. Loki was in a great mood; you realised this as he shrugged at Thor, his eyes glittering. He was happy to be going home. Loki extended the umbrella as Thor held an arm out to you, gesturing for you to hold on to him. You looked inquisitively back at Loki.

"I'm right behind you." he told you.

"I'd hold on tight if I were you." Thor advised, before lifting his face to the skies.

"Heimdall, open the Bifrost!"

The umbrella above you disappeared as you held Thor in a death grip, pushing your face into his chest as you rocketed into the sky. It was only about thirty seconds, but to you it felt like at least an hour. You kept your eyes firmly squeezed shut, trying not to think about what was happening, imagining that you were just flying to the top of a tall building rather than travelling to a different realm.

Finally your feet hit solid ground, and your knees would have buckled if not for Thor holding you up.

"Are you okay?" he asked, and you nodded, not trusting yourself to open your mouth in case you threw up, and suddenly feeling light-headed as you realised you hadn't actually taken a breath for half a minute.

"Welcome back Thor." a deep voice said, and you turned to see a huge man in golden armour stood behind you. His eyes were also pure gold.

"Heimdall!" Thor exclaimed, leaving your side to greet him. Your legs still hadn't recovered and you managed to stand upright for about four seconds after he let go of you before your knees started trembling. Loki appeared by your side and offered you an arm, which you grabbed before you fell over. You were about to thank him, but before you could you looked up. And saw Asgard.

At first you thought you'd died and gone to heaven, because surely this was what heaven looked like. It was like nothing you'd ever seen before, and it rendered you totally speechless for the first time in your life. You literally couldn't form a sentence. The palace was... you had originally thought 'out of this world', but you weren't even on your world anymore. And that was Thor and Loki's home.

"That... that's where you grew up?" you eventually managed, turning to look at Loki.

He nodded, looking at the palace with something like sad nostalgia.

You realised your mouth was hanging open, and quickly closed it before Loki could look back at you; as you did so releasing your grip on his cold arm.

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