Chapter 3

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(I recommend you listen to Fairytales by Gabby Sophia while reading this)

Harry POV

When I wake up, it's still dark. Everything hurts, but it's bearable for me now. My pain tolerance got really high over the years. The clock shows me that it is for 4 am. I have a headache, but at least I can move now... 'Wait I can move!?' I think to myself. Yes indeed, the rope somehow burned away. Or at least that is what it seems like. I can also feel my legs again, which is a relief. I slowly and carefully get up. I inspect my body. The scars are gone, and the wounds are also gone. But that's not the only difference in my body, but before I can think or inspect any further I hear tapping on my window.

An owl? My friends haven't send my any letters since I got home. Excited I open the window to let the owl in. The owl reminds me of Hedwig, who died at his uncle hands when he twisted her neck because: 'She makes to much noise'. The thought makes me a bit sad, but I quickly remind myself that she now is in a better place than this cruel world. I now see that the owl has a letter on it's leg. I release the owl from it's burden and it flies away before I can even offer a treat. 'Oh well' I think to myself. In fancy letters the letter states:

'Harry Potter

Number 4 Privet Drive'

I turn the letter to be met with the Gringotts stamp. 'The Gringotts stamp? Did something go wrong with my account?'. I'm a bit disappointed that it wasn't from Ron or Hermione, but they are probably busy or something. I open the letter and read it:

Dear Mr. Potter,

Tonight you came into a powerful inheritance you weren't supposed to get. Because of this we would like to speak to you as soon as possible. The letter is a portkey, just say 'inheritance' and you will immediately appear here. We hope to see you soon.

With kind regards,

Griphook, noble employee at Gringotts

When I am done reading the letter I begin wondering. 'I thought only purebloods could come into a creature inheritance? Apparently I am wrong.' I also begin wondering what kind of creature I could be. That's when I feel something soft stroke my legs. I jump a hole in the air and look down to see what it is. 'A tail?'. A black tail in stroking my legs. 'What?....' I think 'Okay let's go and figure out what this all is about'. I quickly put on some wide clothing to hide the tail. I don't dare to go crossdressing in public, so I stick with some wide pants and a big hoodie, both old clothes from Dudley. Then I hear Vernon screaming from downstairs: "Why haven't you made breakfast yet, you worthless freak?". I stiffen, unable to move or speak. I can hear him storming up the stairs. Then I remember the letter on my bed and I hastily pick it up and squeak "inheritance" just as uncle Vernon storms into my room.

I feel the familiar tug at my belly button when I get whisked away from a furious uncle Vernon. 'Well this is gonna be the beating of my life when I get back..' I assume. The next thing I feel is the cold floor under my butt. I am sitting on the floor in the middle of the main hall of Gringotts. Everyone is staring at me, surprised to suddenly see a boy sitting on the floor. I swiftly stand up and shimmy to the nearest goblin. "Excuse me mister Goblin, do you know where I could find Griphook?" I ask the goblin politely. The goblin seems surprised, but before he can say anything I hear from behind my back: "I'm here mister Potter". I turn around quicker then I held for possible and find myself facing another goblin. "Come with me mister Potter".

We walk through some corridors, but luckily no minecarts this time, although they were fun. We stop at an oak door. It looks very fancy and official. He opens it and leads me into a room with a desk with a chair in front of it. The walls are white, but they are decorated with paintings of various goblins. The floor is oak, just as the door and the desk. Griphook pulls the chair back for me to sit on and then proceeds to sit at the chair behind the desk.

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