Tesselate Part 43

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My mind clouded into thought as Obito continued to explain details about our target but all I could think of was how familiar this all felt.. Doesn't this remind you of what Sasuke said last night? Isn't this the exact same thing, the same hatred and want for revenge boiling inside of you right now?

I quickly snapped back from my thoughts as Madara cleared his throat.

"Now that you know more about your target I want to discuss the plan of attack" Madara's deep voice sending shivers down my spine. There really was something about these Uchiha that is indescribably chilling.

"I suggest we use Tila's Genjutsu and transmit it across a broad range using my Chakra signallers capturing the entire village within it" Pain's deep voice cut in. I looked over towards him- spiky orange hair sticking up and his multiple piercing standing out more than usual. There was a moments silence and I thought about his idea as I looked blankly at him.

"I could do that" I finally agreed after some deliberation. I received blank looks from everyone in the room as we sat at the rounded table, the aura of our meeting being quite serious.

"Yes, that is a good idea. While Tila casts a broad range Genjutsu there will be plenty of time for you and Konan to search the village for the Jinchuriki" Obito said now giving his opinion to Pain.

The sound of Madara tapping his slender fingers upon the hard wood of the table echoed as his alluring voice followed

"I suppose it could work, if they're hiding the Jinchuriki then they will have no choice but to hand him over."

"I think it's about time we told Tila about the six paths of Pain" Konan's distinctive voice spoke from beside Pain.
"The .. Sorry what?" I asked as I sent Konan a confused look.

"Yes I agree" Pain said, Obito then nodded and Madara stayed silent.

"What are you talking about?" I asked my curiosity now growing..

"Tila, this body isn't my real body. I use it along with five other body's - by transmitting my chakra from my original body I can control this body and the others as well" Pain explained and I felt my eyes widen in astonishment.

"This entire time?" I stuttered in disbelief..

"Yes, this is the ability of the Rennigon" Pain's deep voice convinced.

"Hmm. She doesn't seem as surprised as I expected" Obito smirked cheekily over to Pein.

"Mm, we will need to go and transport my real body to a location close to the village for me to be able to transmit a signal to the six paths" Pain replied.

"It's decided then," Madara said now sitting up and readjusting himself in his seat while continuing, "You three will leave tomorrow for the village hidden in the rain, you will collect Nagato and then set off for the hidden leaf."

"What about the eight tails sealing?" I asked quickly remembering that Sasuke was out there trying to find it as we spoke .

"I will summon you when Sasuke and his team return, Zetsu will be reporting to me on their progress this afternoon" Madara explained.

"I think that is all for now?" Pain then asked and Obito nodded and looked back towards Madara for approval.

"Hm" Madara hummed.

I stayed seated as Pain and Konan both stood up, they bowed slightly towards Madara and Obito then left. I slouched back into my seat and let out a long sigh now gaining Obito and Madara's attention.

"Is something not to your liking?" Madara asked coldly.

I looked between the two then shook my head to say no.

"Everything fine, I shall take my leave then" I said as I got up. Obito smiled faintly then returned to writing and Madara watched as I closed the office door behind me. As I walked down the empty hall I felt a swoosh of mixed emotions fill me. Was I doing the right thing? This isn't very different from what Sasuke wanted, was it? I continued to walked down through the training room and headed for the boulder.

I stepped out into the dim cloudy afternoon and slowly trudged out into the depths of the forest. Autumn leaves crumpled beneath my feet as I walked out towards the clearing of flowers that I had stumbled across with Itachi.

It's as if my feet where on auto pilot and before I knew it I was standing before 4 rocks. I picked some purple flowers and lay them before a fifth rock - engraving Itachi's name with my lightning then sat down before my lost comrades graves.

"What should I do?" I asked them out loud as if I were physically sitting amongst them...


"I miss you all so much" I breathed out, my voice only but a whisper. Silence.

"Should I give Sasuke a break?" I asked under my breath.. The thoughts of last night Flicking through my mind.

"I promise, somehow- I'll make things right again" I whispered again to the rocks that I so badly wished were my friends. Tears brimmed my eyes as I hung my head, I sat before the graves for what seemed hours..


I raised my head again and noticed that everything around me had become dark. Night had fallen and I hadn't even noticed.. Was I really that distracted by my own sorrow that I could miss something like that?

Maybe I'm losing my mind.. There have been so many times I've felt as though I was on the brink of insanity. The brink of breaking.. Giving up hope. Crossing the fine line between reality and the twisted illusions of my imagination..

Have I finally cracked? Was this the path I'm supposed to choose?

"Tila" a cold voice spoke from behind me... My heart stopped beating for the three seconds of silence that followed and I felt my heart pick up it's beating pace in an instant.

What was he doing here?

A Place To Call Home [OC x Akatsuki Story]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz