On the mend

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Part 2 of This is fun:

Joe felt like his eyes had been shut for a mere minute before Leia came charging into the bedroom at 6 am, obviously feeling much better. Whilst Joe was relieved his child was no longer suffering, her abundance of energy was too much for his pounding head.

"Leia, can you come in here for cuddles for a bit, let mummy and daddy sleep a little bit longer?" Joe asked, his eyes jammed shut and holding himself as still as possible in an attempt to control the pool bubbling away inside his stomach that would no doubt need to come up soon.

"Okokok" Leia sang, before jumping straight on top of Dianne who was only just starting to wake up.

"Ouchie Leia, can you be really careful, me and daddy still feel not very well, like you did yesterday, can we not jump on top of us this morning darl?" Dianne asked, her voice sore and breaking, from the stomach acid she'd brought up all night.

"Ok." Leia replied simply, before sticking herself into the small gap between her parents. Joe carefully put his arm over Leia to rest on Dianne's back, where he started to massage her softly. Even when Joe couldn't muster the energy to get up, he wanted to comfort his wife who was quickly falling back to sleep. She'd definitely seemed to have this bug so much worse than Leia or even Joe, in fact Joe had only been sick the once so far, unlike Dianne who'd spent hours laying on the bathroom floor in Joe's arms.

"Daddy I'm hungry." Leia announced half an hour later, getting slightly bored of lying in her parents room where there was nothing to do or look at.

"Ok sweetheart, I think we should give you some toast this morning?" Joe asked, slowly opening his eyes and ignoring how the room was spinning.

"Why toast, why not weetabix?" The child enquired, she always had weetabix on a Tuesday.

"Because you haven't eaten anything for a while, and we want to check your tummy's okay," Joe replied, slowly dragging himself from the comfort of his bed, and leaving behind his wife who was now fast asleep.

"Ok Leia," Joe instructed placing the toast in front of her, "Eat really really slowly, and take lots of small sips of water."

"Ok I will, I'm excited!" Leia started laughing and Joe tried his best to smile, despite feeling increasingly more unwell at the sight and aroma of food.

"I'm going to put CBeebies on in the front room Leia, can you watch that for a bit when you've finished?" Joe asked, needing to get out of there quickly. "And if you start to feel sick again, come to our bedroom ok, it's ok to not feel better yet."

Without waiting for a reply, joe sprinted to the upstairs bathroom, further away from Leia to
hide from prying eyes. Dianne was already in there, swaying slightly as she washed her face.

"I'm sorry dot." Joe whimpered before pushing her slightly out of the way and expelling his food.

"Awww Joey you need to get some sleep," Dianne played with his hair as he fell back to her lap.

"So do you," He croaked, before positioning himself over the toilet again. "Leia's watching tv by the way..." Joe was cut off by another gag before he projected everything from both his mouth and nose, mostly missing the toilet. Joe started to panic, his breathing and heart rate increased and he threw up again.

"Little one, Joseph, take a breath." Dianne noticed how flustered her husband had become and dragged herself up to pull him into a sitting hug.

"I think it's because I held it in for so long when I gave Leia breakfast." Joe relaxed into the hug, Dianne was comfy and he could easily fall asleep right here.

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