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"Joseph can you zip me up?"

Dianne was just applying her finishing touches to the nights look. Since getting together last year, neither Joe nor Dianne had been able to have a full night out. Despite both previously being self-proclaimed party animals, the couple were older now and preferred a glass of jammy red roo in the comfort of their apartment.

Tonight however was the release of Joe's debut album and Di had insisted the two of them celebrated if there was no official party.
It was only 9pm and the two had planned to meet Oli and Evie at a weatherspoons before heading into the city to hit the clubs. It was a chance for the two of them to pretend to be 21 again and finally let loose after a tough year of tours.

"You look beautiful darling," Joe gushed as he helped Di into her dress.

Dianne smirked. She was wearing a green maxi dress that made her feel like she was a teenager again. It concealed the curves she wanted to hide and enhanced those she wanted to show off. Radiating positivity and confident in her self, Joe took a minute to admire his girlfriend before kissing her forehead.

"Cars here Joe," Dianne chirped, "Is it bad that I'm really excited?"

"Nah I don't think so, I feel like a teenager again!" Joe joked.

Arriving at the spoons before Oli and Evie, the couple chose a table at the side. Dianne wanting to start the night right but much to the despair of Joe, ordered a pitcher for the table.

"Dot you're actually going to see pissed Joseph tonight if we keep this pace up!"

Oli and Evie soon arrived and the four of them caught up. Before they were ready the spoons closed and they headed for a club called Factory, where Joe had spent a considerable time in past trying  and failing to hook up with girls.

The club was busy, loud and warm. Joe felt himself becoming a little anxious so excused himself to the bathroom.

Evie had previously been dancing with Dianne. The two of them fairly drunk and living their best lives. But now could be seen in a corner with Oli displaying much more PDA than Joe would ever approve of.

Dianne took the chance to buy herself another drink.

"Alright sweetcheeks, what can I get you tonight?"

He winked at her and menacingly looked her up and down.

"Two jäger bombs please" Dianne replied, ignoring the preying eyes of the barman in front of her. Joe would be back soon, she didn't have to worry.

She took her drink and sat in a booth outside the toilet so Joe would notice her when he returned.

In the next few minutes, she started to feel dizzy and sick. Maybe this last drink wasn't such a good idea if she was already this drunk. Nevertheless, she continued to drink, starting to worry about Joseph but knowing he just needed a bit of space to cool down and he was capable of looking after himself.

Joe returned and the two of them danced for a little while longer whilst Di finished her drink.
They sat down in a booth and Di realised just how dizzy she was feeling. She was too hot, dizzy and felt nauseous . There was a reason she didn't come out every week anymore, her body simply couldn't keep up. That had to be the reason.

"You alright sweetheart? You're a bit pale." Joe was obviously noticing.

Di nodded. "I feel a bit weird though." She leaned into him and shut her eyes in an attempt to stop the world spinning. Bright lights from the club were still invading her brain and her head was pounding. She allowed Joe to support her as her legs gave way.

"Actually Joseph, I feel really weird, how strong are the drinks here?"

Joe took a step back, supporting Di as he felt her legs slightly give way. He studied her momentary. Her eyes were red, swollen and dilated and she had beads of sweat on her forehead. She was a grey-green colour and looked smaller and more delicate than ever before. He immediately went to find Oli.

"Oli mate, we're gonna call it a night, Di's not feeling to great,"

And with that he was leading Di swiftly out of the club and onto the pavement. She was shivering violently so he gave her his jacket. She immediately threw it off, muttering something about being too warm and stressed.

"Okay Dot, it's gonna be alright, we're gonna get you home and sober and it'll all be okay in the morning,"

Joe was convincing himself more than his very vacant girlfriend who wasn't aware he was talking. If the truth was told, he was scared. Not being the most sober himself and with it being the ungodly hour of 4 am, he wasn't sure who to ask.

Di fell asleep on his shoulder in the taxi and more than once joe found himself checking she was still breathing. She looked so pale and fragile and nothing like the strong dancer he had first met.  Whilst he knew she wasn't always a superhero, seeing his girl so weak really upset him. He also couldn't help but think it was his fault, if he'd only sucked it up and danced with her the whole time, Di would've been protected. Although he was rational enough to believe he was not the problem, whoever had done this was desperate, lonely, pathetic and sick. It made Joe ashamed to be a man. He thought of his sister and his mum as he looked at Dianne whilst she slept. It wasn't fair that her night and her health had to be ruined because of one individuals sexual frustration.

By 5 am, Joe had carried Dianne up to bed and was settling down next to her. A protective arm cradled her and he was scared if he let go, she would disappear. He had researched what to do but because she was still breathing and semi- capable before she went to sleep, most advice was to sleep it off and be handy with a bucket.

Sure enough, half an hour later his peace was disturbed.

"Joseph, I feel sick."

"Like vomit sick?"

"Yeah I think?"

Dianne was still very much out of it but Joe guided her to the bathroom just in time for her to spew all over.

"That's it Dot, get it all out," Joe cooed, "You're doing really well!"

"Stop it." She mumbled, and Joe took a step back, removing his hand from her back and allowing his love to feel in control of the situation. Well as much as she could.

"No not you, stop the spinning!"

Di now resembled a toddler but Joe being the patient saint he is, slowly carried her back to bed and kissed her forehead as she dozed off.

"I love you" he whispered falling asleep next to her.

In the next 24 hours Dianne sobered up and although she couldn't remember the night, she vowed never to go back to that club and let a drink out of her site again.

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