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This ones a bit different, it's set in the future where Joe and Dianne have teenage kids.

"Mum, have you seen my Tie?" Charlie yelled from his bedroom. It was nearing 7:30 and he didn't have long before he would miss the school bus. The missing tie was a common conundrum they faced each morning, along with missing books, bus passes and shoes.

At 15 years old, Charlie was currently proving to be a much harder teenager than his 17 year old sister Lucy. Drinking every Saturday in the park with his mates and often stinking of suspicious substances. Dianne had never seen such behaviour before, growing up obsessed with dance in Australia and being unaware of so called British drinking culture. Joe on the other hand had the opposite dilemma. How could he stop his son doing exactly what he did at his age?

Both of them knew Charlie would have to change his ways before he sat his GCSEs in a few months. It was to be a stressful few months with Lucy also having A levels then, and Dianne who had done neither, wanted them both to do as well as possible.

"Check the stairs Charlie," Dianne called from the kitchen, spreading peanut butter on her toast. Her husband of 19 years was sat at the kitchen table with a coffee and newspaper. He simply nodded, agreeing with his wife.

"Lucy are you awake?" Joe called out. "Shaun will be here soon!"

Shaun was Lucy's boyfriend of 3 months and he picked her up everyday before college. He fit in with the whole family, something that pleased Lucy as she had always been so close with them, particularly her parents.

"Lucy?" Joe called again.

"I'll go and check on her" Dianne sighed. It was uncommon for Lucy to be late up for school, usually if either of them slept in it would be Charlie.

"Lucy, sweetheart? Are you up?"

Dianne went into her daughters room and kissed her forehead in an attempt to wake her up in the nicest way possible. She remembered how much she hated being woken up when she was 17.

"Urgh what time is it?" Lucy croaked.

"7:30, you feeling okay? You look a bit pale." Dianne's hands found her forehead, frowning when she found no obvious temperature.

Lucy sighed and shook her head, overcome with dizziness and falling back into the covers.

"Okay sweet, take the day off and if you're up to it you can do some revision or something later?"

Lucy nodded again and rolled over so she was facing away from her mother. She knew why she felt so rubbish, she had known for a while.

She was 9 weeks pregnant.

Being overly organised, she had already had her 8 week scan and had spoken to her GP about everything. Nobody else knew and she wanted to keep it that way until she decided what she was doing with it.

Later that day after Charlie has returned from school, Lucy was feeling very nauseous and subsequently lost her lunch in the toilet. Charlie had been waiting to go in for about 10 minutes or so and was understandably rather annoyed.

"Lucy hurry up, you better not be doing a shit, it'll stink all night!"

Lucy quickly opened the door in an attempt to not look suspicious and another wave of nausea hit her. She turned around and just made it to the toilet in time. As soon as she had finished, she burst into tears, the whole idea of growing a child inside her suddenly hit her and she was very overwhelmed.

"Shit Lucy, are you I'll? Should I get mum?" Charlie was a bit uncomfortable standing in the toilet door.

"No, can I talk to you about something?" Despite managing time stop the tears, Lucy felt her heart rate increase.

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