Bedroom chats

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You all wanted it, so here's a part 2 of Kitchen Chats.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer!" Dianne teased when she noticed her boyfriend staring at her naked body.

"You're absolutely gorgeous Dianne," Joe gaped as she changed into her pyjamas that night.

"Thanks love," Dianne replied, walking over to the YouTuber and kissing him softly as he sat in the bed in his own nightwear.

"Seriously, what did I do to deserve someone as beautiful as you?"

"Okay Joseph, you know I don't wanna do anything whilst we're here, it's my parents house and they're literally next door." Dianne joked, assuming Joe's declaration was as a result of his sexual frustration.

"No I know silly, i'm offended that you thought that!" Joe replied, hitting her softly on the arm and laughing at the fact she'd assumed he just wanted sex. "You're just beautiful and I don't tell you enough."

Dianne smiled at the man who sat in front of her and gave him another gentle kiss which he leaned further into. Slowly she pulled away and smiled peacefully.

"Well now you're just teasing me!" Joe complained as he got up to turn the lights off and the couple tucked themselves into bed, Joe spooning the dancer.

"Dianne, are you awake?" Joe whispered, about half an hour later.

"I am now, what's up?" The redhead mumbled and turned into her boyfriend who planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I know we were joking before, but you are actually the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen in real life..."

"Okay Joe, What's going on?" Dianne accused, interrupting his late night ramble.

"Nothing I just love you!" Joe retaliated.

"And I love you, but you're never like this, are you okay?" Dianne's voice was suddenly much more gentle and caring this time and she reached up to caress his cheek.

"Yeah I'm absolutely fine, I just think you ought to know your worth."

"What's brought this up Joe? We've been together for years and now you're suddenly so lovey dovey!" Dianne nervously laughed, whilst she appreciated all the compliments, she couldn't help but feel there was a deeper meaning to the sudden attention.

"The burn the floor video." Joe admitted after a moments silence. Joe turned away from Dianne, in an attempt to hide the emotion burning the back of his throat.

Dianne sighed. She'd hoped her boyfriend wouldn't have noticed her size, skin or facial expressions despite it jumping out at her immediately. She'd hoped her dancing would hide it. She guessed she hoped Joe wouldn't have looked close enough to notice. To tell the truth, watching the video hadn't been such a good idea for Dianne either, memories she'd rather stay forgotten were re-emerging in the forefront of her brain and it was inevitable that they'd come pouring out soon.

"I was in a completely different place Joseph, you know that right?" Dianne whispered, looking directly into Joe's eyes which she could see were full of concern and worry.

"I know, it just made it seem more real..." Joe trailed off, instantly wrapping his arms around Dianne who had suddenly started sobbing silently. He rubbed one arm up and down her back and yeh other lightly teased her hair in what he hoped was a comforting action. "Hey, I'm's okay let it all out." Joe cooed, unsure as to what exactly had brought in this emotion.

"Watching the video before," Dianne whispered when she'd calm down a little, "Brought back memories of how I was actually feeling at the time and..." Dianne trailed off again, sobbing into Joe's chest as he sat the two of them up and turned on a lamp illuminating the room with a gentle, yellow glow.

"Take your time," Joe comforted, his heart shattering as he felt his shirt get wet and his girlfriend shake in his arms.

"It's just so different now, he wouldn't even let me eat a meal and you make me birthday cakes and buy me chocolate and it's sounds so stupid but I never thought I'd ever be able to eat stuff like that again!"

"He was an absolute dickhead Dianne," Joe whispered, disgust in his tone at the sheer mention of 'he'.

"I'm so sorry, I was supposed to be comforting you." Dianne cried, her arms clutching at Joe's shirt.

"And I've clearly brought something up or struck a nerve that needed dealing with anyways." Joe replied simply. "Dianne you know I don't care about how you look right, I mean you are drop dead gorgeous but that's not why I love you, I love your little quirks, like the fact you shop at 'chazzas' or the way you leave the fridge door open to the point that it's a joke."

Dianne giggled softly into Joe's neck and rustled her way in further, tears starting to slow.

"I love how excited you get over the little things, like that electric toothbrush, and I love how passionate you are for dance. I love your humour, oh my God Dot I love your humour more than anything." Joe stopped his speech to smile. "So I mean yes you're the most beautiful girl I know, but you're even more beautiful inside."

"I love you Joey" Dianne whispered, remembering it was late and her parents were only next door.

"I love you more, but Dot?" Joe asked looking directly into the redheads eyes.


"Promise me if you ever feel like that, have those toxic, nasty thoughts, you'll tell me so we can muddle through together?"

"Of course Joseph." Dianne whispered even quieter, her eyes were shutting and she was leaning further and further into her boyfriend.

"I love you so much Dotty." Joe whispered and he turned off the lamp, letting the dark penetrate his thoughts as he drifted off to sleep. Sheets over them both, his thoughts so much more controlled and his Dianne snoring lightly in his arms.

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