This is fun

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Soft Sic-fic time, sorry it was requested, skip if you don't like them!

"Hello, Joe Sugg speaking."

"Hi, it's Battersea Primary, Leia's been a little bit sick, could either you or your wife come and collect her?"

"Of course, I'll be 10 minutes."

Joe immediately sent an email to Caspar, saying he'd be absent for the magravine meeting that afternoon and jumped in the car heading towards the school. Whilst in his Range Rover, he decided to call his wife who was choreographing the Strictly pro routine for Halloween.

"Hey Dot, hows rehearsals?"

"Good yeah, they've all picked it up well."

Dianne was a choreographer on strictly, after leaving the show as a full time professional when she fell pregnant with Leia in 2024. She now spent weekdays in the studio working out potential pro numbers with Neil Jones and speciality dances with Trent.

"I've got to be quick though Joseph, it's not my lunch break yet."

"Right sorry, erm I'm picking Leia up, she was sick at school."

"Awww bless her, are you okay with her?"

"Yeah, I had a quiet day today anyway, we'll just have cuddles on the sofa till you get back."

"Are you feeling alright? You're always ill when she is and you had that headache last night!" Dianne was starting to fluster.

"Dot, I'm fine, she's fine, just a little bit of sick, you get back to work and I'll see you tonight!"

"Okay, take care though Joseph!"

"I will, love you!"

The YouTuber sighed as he pulled into the school gates. His daughter had seemed fine this morning; she'd eaten 2 weetabix and woken up early to watch the Chuckle Brothers before school. Perhaps either he or Dianne missed something, or maybe she had felt fine until she got to school. He was more than aware of how frequently kids picked up bugs, so naturally wasn't really worried.

"Hello Sweetheart, should we get you home?" The YouTuber asked his 7 year old who was sat in the reception corridor, next to a bucket. She was slightly green and looked rather dazed as her father sank down to her level.

She leaned into him and clung on to Joe's leg, like a koala, just before Joe lifted her up and carried her bridal style to the car, waving in thanks to the lady at her reception desk.

"There's a bowl next to you, just in case and a bottle of water in the door alright?" Joe asked the child as she fastened her seatbelt.

He also immediately turned the radio off when Leia shut her eyes, wincing slightly as if she had a headache. The rest of the journey was completely silent and before they'd arrived back, the child was fast asleep, soft snores escaping her lips.

Joe carefully laid his only child on the sofa, checked she was settled and shit down he computer for the day.

As Joe returned to the front room, he couldn't help but reminisce over what his life had become. Of course he had wanted more kids than Leia, but after Dianne had struggled so much in pregnancy, he completely understood why the dancer didn't want to go through it again. The redhead had suffered with severe morning sickness and after throwing up solidly for 4 weeks, had been rushed to hospital with extremely low blood sugar levels. She'd also felt dizzy and confused, and for the first time in her life, hadn't been able to dance. It had made Joe miserable seeing his love so miserable and the two vowed never to do it again. Of course Leia was worth every tear and every stress, but Dianne didn't think she'd survive it all again.

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