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As soon as they'd arrived, Joe rushed ahead straight through security. He was always stressed at airports, or any public transport really, and hadn't noticed Dianne behind him clearly struggling herself.

"Joe please just wait a second," she pleaded, turning round he noticed her bent over, holding her head in her hands and pulling tightly on her hair. She was panting slightly and tears were threatening to spill.  Instantly he softened, his own anxieties forgotten about.

"Dot," he asked tentatively, "You okay?" Obviously not you plonker, you're just a shit boyfriend not to notice. He tried to ignore the voice in his head and carefully took both her hands to prevent any proper damage to her head.


"Panic attack, okay, we can handle this, let's go and sit down, we've got loads of time." Joes sudden change of pace instantly calmed her. They sat together on the floor and Dianne steadied her breathing. She leaned into his chest, Joes repeating heart beat only helping her regain some control. Slowly lifting her head up, she nodded slightly at her boyfriend.

"Hello sweetheart!" He whispered "You okay now darling? I know airports are horrible."

She nodded again and sighed, holding her hands up for Joe to help her up. They headed towards security at a much more reasonable pace, making it to the plane without anymore hiccups.

"I'm so excited" Dianne whispered as they found their seats. She rested her head on his shoulder and nestled her way into his neck. "But now we have to sleep cos it's nearly 2am over there and I really want to avoid as much jet lag as possible." Her voice disappeared as she rambled on.

Joe chuckled to himself. Dianne nattering was a clear sign she was feeling much better and he relaxed. Despite being nervous to meet the entire Buswell clan, he knew the first few days would be spent with Andrew and Mel, who he had met previously and loved. It wasn't long before he also found himself drifting off to sleep.

Before either of them had realised, they had landed in Dubai and were preparing for their second flight.

"I wish there was more of a turnover time," Dianne complained. There flight has been changed last minute and Dianne found herself cursing that she hadn't changed it to a much later one. She hated flying anyway, never mind without a proper break in which she could steady herself.

About 2 hours into the second flight she was certain she was going to be travel sick. Joe was further way from her, separated by a completely impractical armrest, and she was missing her Joseph cuddles. When looking at his peaceful face, she decided against waking him and so slowly made her way over to the toilet, hoping her movement wouldn't churn her stomach anymore.

After 5 minutes of occupying the toilet, she returned to her seat, having not been sick but also not feeling any better. She decided to watch a film, the little mermaid to be exact, in order to put her in a better mood. Obviously distracted by the film, she didn't notice joe awake. He stared at her for a few moments, admiring her beauty but also noticing something was wrong. Aware of the panic attack she'd had 15 or so hours earlier he reached out to squeeze her hand, accidentally making her jump.

Dianne squirmed and pulled away as Joe giggled slightly. Joe immediately stopped laughing when her saw him fumble in panic for a sick bag. He swiftly got one out, held it open and up for her, and tied back her hair.

She coughed slightly before retching and bringing up the first wave of vomit. Joe tried to ignore the looks of disgust they were attracting from strangers sat near them. It angered Joe, she wasn't being loud or making a mess, and more importantly, even if she was, it wasn't their business.

"Breathe Dotty, you're okay," he coaxed before she retched again. Immediately Joe panicked slightly. What if she was actually ill and that's why she'd had the panic attack earlier? Or more importantly is she going to need another bag because this ones getting pretty full.

Luckily she soon finished and Joe stood up to dispose of the bag. As he returned he noticed the colour had returned to his cheeks an gestured for Dianne to stand. He gave her a proper cuddle that he hadn't been able to do in their seats, massaging her back and head and teasing her how he knew she liked it.

"Do you feel alright now love?" He whispered.

"Yeah, I just hate not having a proper break between flights, it makes me feel so groggy and urgh."

"I know, I know it's not nice" Joe cooed but believing her when she said she was okay. He massaged her back and placed small kisses on her head for the next few minutes before she pulled away and returned to her seat, eager to get some sleep in the 4 hours they had left.

Joe was not so relaxed anymore. Not only was he about to meet nearly all the Buswells. He'd obviously not noticed how rubbish Dianne had been feeling just moments before she spewed and before she'd had the panic attack earlier. Trying to remove the distressing thoughts that he was losing his magic power to always recognise when Dianne was feeling down, he sighed and stared at her. Everything about her was perfect; the dimple where the fairies kissed her at night was visible on her cheek. She appeared content, so Joe should also be content.

He rested his head to he was facing his girl.

"I love you more than you'll ever know," he whispered certain she was asleep.

"I love you more," she muttered sleepily. Joe wasn't sure if she was sleep talking or awake but he chose not to reply. Smiling to himself and bracing for the adventure they were about to undertake, he settled down for a quick snooze.

Before they knew it, they were in a car with Andrew and Mel, heading towards their house in Perth, and preparing for their next adventure.

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