Not an update but important

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Hi guys. This obviously isnt an update even though i was planning on updating today but i couldnt.
I couldnt because ive been to heartbroken and upset over the attack on the school kids in Pakistan.
Some people might think we're paying attention bcz zayn is pakistani but thats far from the truth. What happened today was one of the most heart wrenching things ever.
The moment i heard what happened, ive been reading articles for updates and ive been crying. Its 2:30 in the morning and im still crying because this is just too much.
I feel like if im this sad...then what about the parents?
132 kids...thats 132 mothers and 132 fathers. So the death toll isnt just 132 kids its 396 people. Because im positive the hearts of the mothers and fathers died along with their innocent children.
I decided to write this because i want to show my respect to these families in anyway possible.
Ive seen many photos and cried the whole day but there were a few photos that made me break.
One was the picture of the mother crying over her son's casket. Her 15 year old son who went to school and wanted to finish his exam and come home to tell his mom not to worry about his grades because he did good. But he didnt come back. He was killed by these monsters who took "revenge" by killing innocent children.
The other picture was one of a little girl's flats covered in blood. Something so little yet holds so much meaning. Imagine that little girl excited to go to school to show her friends her new flats and then coming home and putting them in a special place like we all used to do with our new stuff. But she wasnt able to show anyone anything as she was gunned down by those devils who call themselves muslims. I'm a muslim and everything they're doing is against our religion. Nowhere in the Quran does it say killing innocent lives will send you to heaven. It actually says "killing the life of an innocent person is equal to killing all humanity."
Another picture is a picture of this handsome little boy. Around the age of 13 and he looks so happy in the picture. His eyes full of pure innocence and even though its not a sad picture but knowing that this little boy was killed this little bundle of joy and happiness was killed just made me cry so much. Just imagine the mother of this boy hurrying to finish dinner before her son gets home so he can eat right away. Imagine how she felt when she found out he was killed. If im still crying and i dont know him, imagine the families that are affected by the attack.
132 kids.
And a teacher was burned right infront of her students. Those who survived, they are scarred for life. This day will never leave their minds. They'll never feel safe again. They'll never feel safe when they're at school.
And then the parents of the children who "survived" and were sent to the hospital only to die hours later. I cannot imagine how they feel. They thought that their children survived and had a feeling of hope only to have their lives and dreams crash right infront of their eyes as they die in the hospital.
"My son was my dream, now my dream is dead."
"They went to school and never came back."
"One child called his mother to reassure her that he's fine while he took a bullet to the chest."
When i read that i broke. I just cried my eyes out. Ever since this morning, this world has changed in my eyes. Is this what we're coming down to? Killing innocent lives?
I went to work expecting everyone to have heard the news but sadly, no one did. why? Too damn busy on facebook or watching youtube videos to care about anything.
I'm not Pakistani, but my heart is with them.
If you google this or even put the hashtag on facebook and see the pictures, you'll crack.
Innocent children who dreamt of being doctors and lawyers. Actors and singers. Anything. who dreamt of having a future were deprived of it.
These terrorists are not of Islam. Never were they and never will they be. When you try to make a religion ugly, you only end up doing it to yourself.
A child was beheaded. Beheaded. How could they? How?!
I just...i honestly cant explain how heartbroken i am and thats why i wrote this. This shows that you dont have to be of a certain race, religion, or country to mourn with their unfortunate events.
Im sorry for the families of these children.
Im sorry for the taking of innocent lives.
Im sorry for living in a time where killing someone innocent was satisfication for others.
12.16.2014 is Black day everywhere.
You innocent children are now beautiful birds in heaven.
You innocent teachers and soldiers are now beautiful angels in heaven.
May your souls rest in peace.
May Allah bring peace and patience to the hearts of the mourning families.


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