At The Bottom

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you wake up in a heap of sweat, heart pounding heavily in your chest, desperately gasping for air, the dark felt suffocating, just like in your nightmare, darkness swallowed the entire tank, you couldn't scream even if you tried, you couldn't breathe.

you scramble on to your feet, you could barely keep your feet from falling over yourself as you rushed towards the light switch, hands frenziedly weaving through the dark in an attempt to switch it on.

I in your desperate search for the light switch, you knock over things on the way, items, too dark to be identified, landing on the floor with a thud, you've certainly made a mess but that's none of your concern right now.

with a sudden click, lights flooded the entire room, air rushes back into your lungs and you could breathe again, you languidly slump your back against the wall as you shakily regained your breathing.

everything felt vague, your vision blurry, hazy moulded hues filled the room, there's ringing in your ears, getting louder and louder every second passing, you cover your ears and screw your eyes shut trying to block it all out but you were immediately taken back to your watery tomb.

over the sound of your pounding heartbeat, you faintly hear unhinged footsteps growing louder as they approached closer, in less than a second, arms were wrapped around you, rubbing soothing circles behind your back and there were voices urging you to breathe.

you could distinctly hear your sisters as they tried to keep calm themselves, "Y/N, breathe, just breathe," a voice you assume is Alex' says, she kneels in front of you before placing both hands on your shoulder.

Kara cradles you, resting your head on her chest and whispering words of comfort "you're okay, we're right here," she says, taking your hand in hers while Alex takes the other.

"Just follow my breathing, okay?" Kara mutters, she was taking in deep breaths while you could barely manage shallow one, you don't know how long you stayed like that, hyperventilating, shaking, struggling to calm down, you hadn't even acknowledged the tears trailing down from your eyes down to your cheeks as fragments of your dream haunted you.

You struggle through the pressure of the water weighing down on your chest, arms flailing as you tried yet failed to swim up, you were being pulled you deeper and deeper into the abyss of the cold and murky depths of what you were sure of was going to be your grave soon enough.

No one was there, you couldn't scream for help, you couldn't breathe, you couldn't cry and soon enough you were enveloped by darkness.

You hear a chorus of "Y/N, we're right here," and "in and out, you're doing great, kid" between Kara and Alex, but you were too lost in a haze to clearly distinguish which voice was which but you knew it was them and the prospect of your sisters always being there to take care of you makes you feel better.

in time, you manage to catch up to Kara's rhythm of breathing, you hear Alex cheering you up as you were finally able to control your breathing, "that's it, kiddo,"

When you finally got around to successfully defining reality, you find yourself being carried back to your bed, Alex shuffling around to clean up the items you've knocked over on your desperate venture for the light switch whilst Kara wiping away your tears and consoling you before leaving to make you a steaming cup of your comfort beverage.

Alex sits beside you after finally placing the last of your items on their respective places, she places a hand on your shoulder, gently squeezing it, something she always does when trying to calm you.

"what happened, Y/N?"

"It was nothing," you mumble, then Alex gives you a look that pretty much says she doesn't believe you, you sighed, "I just overreacted, that's all,"

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