Season 4: Episode 4

Start from the beginning

"This is my spouse, and my son Andre," Dane introduced.

The unnamed man extended his free hand and I took it excitedly. The ring on his hand proved he and Dane were, in fact, married.

"I go by J.C., or J, and use they/them pronouns." His – their – smile was contagious. "And you must be Sam? Dane's boss?"

"Just manager, but yeah, that's me."

"Wow. Well, you're gorgeous." J.C. adjusted Andre, who was now squirming in their arms. "I really hope you two can figure out what's wrong with the car because not having transportation has been a real pain in the ass."

"Bad word!" Andre shouted from J.C.'s arms.

"You are absolutely correct, Andre." J.C. cringed and mouthed I'm sorry to Dane who gave a stern frown. "We'll be hanging out in the living room."

"Let's see if we can figure out what's going on," Dane said.

We went back to the garage and I stayed silent with thought. There was just so much information that I was overwhelmed. It wasn't a bad thing, but it was an adjustment. Dane must've taken notice to my silence because he felt the need to address it.

"Are you freaked out?" he wondered.

"About what?"

"Me revealing I'm a recovered alcoholic, my non-binary spouse, my son..."

"I'm not freaked out, Dane," I admitted. "I am overwhelmed with how much I just learned about you, though."

He just laughed.

"I find it's easier to just kinda, lay it all out there and hope it sticks."

"No, yeah, I mean..." I joined his side. "I think it's really fucking cool that you felt comfortable enough to introduce your family to me."

Dane didn't say anything to that, he just smiled and then explained to me what he thought was wrong with his car. We ran through the process of elimination and didn't talk much about his family after that, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was nice to meet more people in the community.

We finally identified the problem and started working on it.

"So, when did you stop drinking?" he asked. "If you feel comfortable enough to tell me, that is."

"Last November," I admitted while adjusting a wench. "I kinda had a drunken, mental breakdown at my brother's wedding and almost ruined my engagement."

I finished tightening the wench and leaned back. This Florida heat was relentless.

"It's hard sometimes..." I looked at him. "How do you still work in bars, being three years sober and all?"

He shrugged his broad shoulders that were now perspiring from the heat.

"It's challenging but..." He leaned forward on his hands. "In a way it helps. I think it just reminds me of my darkest days, and how much I no longer want to return to them."

I just nodded in understanding. In a way, that kind of made a lot of sense.

"So, you said engagement..." he presses.

"Her name is Megan," I bragged. "We haven't set a date yet. There's been a lot of... issues I've had to address with myself."

"It's good you're addressing them sooner than later," he said. "I kinda got shoved into reality and had to fix a lot of things all at once when Andre was born."

I was trying to figure out how Andre had even happened. My confusion must've been obvious, because Dane laughed.

"I'm bisexual, Sam," he admitted. "I was living in Atlanta at the time, sleeping with a handful of people, but there was this girl..." He threw the wrench back into the toolbox. "She told me she was pregnant and that she wanted to terminate the pregnancy."

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