Chapter 5

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Friday when dad went to pick up Parker and Bella, he went with a copy of the court order he received today stating that all three of us are to live with dad until further notice. The order also states mum has to pay him $3,000 a month in child support and once I turn 18 years old it'll be reduced to $2,000 a month. Mum was pissed and threw a glass vase at me but thankfully I moved just before it hit me. She then shut and locked the door and wouldn't let Bella and Parker leave with dad or me inside to grab my stuff, so dad called the police. AL male and female officer arrived ten minutes later to enforce the court order.

Now today is Saturday, mid-morning at 11 a.m. and I'm cooking an early lunch for everyone.

"What are you cooking, J.M.?" Bella asks from behind me.

Jumping slightly as I was lost in thought before I answer her; 'Turkey burgers with mac-n-cheese.'

"Sounds yummy," she grins at me as she grabs bowls, plates, glasses and spoons to set the table.

Finishing everything, I place the burgers onto buns that are on a platter and the mac-n-cheese into a big bowl to take both to the table as Bella grabs the condiments from the fridge.

'Thanks Bella,' I sign after sitting the food on the table.

"Welcom and I'll get dad and Parker," she says before leaving the room; as I grab the milk and tea from the fridge, I set them on the table as the three of them come into the kitchen.

"Lunch smells great, bro!" Parker praises while he sniffs the air with a grin.

'Thanks,' I blush as the four of us sit down to eat.

"So, Monday I'm taking the three of you to school to give the schools the new custody order," dad seriously tells us; and the three of us nod at him.

"So, where are you and Gage going?" Bella asks curiously.

Shrugging at her as I sign with my right hand since I have my fork in my left; 'No idea, he only said to dress warm but casually.'

"Sounds fun," Parker sasses and earns an eye roll from me.

'Shush you,' I huff with a sigh; Parker and Bella laugh as dad smirks at me and my frusteration.

Once lunch is consumed and the kitchen is clean, I wander up to my room for a short nap before the date. Lying on my stomach under my covers, I settle comfortably with closed eyes as I drift off to sleep. Three hours later, I jerk awake when my alarm blares from my phone. Pressing the button to silence the alarm before climbing off my bed and to grab fresh clothes to shower and dress before Gage arrives in an hour. By 3:55 p.m., I'm showered, dressed, put cologne on, brushed my teeth and hair and I'm waiting in the living room.

"Curfew is midnight and you need to text me if there's any problem and have fun," dad states seriously before Gage arrives.

'I will and okay,' I sign back nervously; I don't want to make a fool out of myself tonight.

Just then there's a knock on the front door causing me to jump slightly; straightening my shirt as I walk toward the door to answer it. Gage is there in all his sexy glory as he's wearing black jeans that hug his muscles nicely, a button-up long sleeve burgandy shirth that the sleeves are rolled to his elbows and buttoned only to his just under his pecks and a pair of black combat boots.

'Hi Gage, you look handsome,' I blush as I sign.

"Thanks J.M.," he replies making my jaw drop in surpise. "You look very sexy."

'You understood me?' I sign curiously.

His smile broadens as he nods; "Yes, I understood you - I've been learning but I'm slowly doing this. I, uh, also brought with a pen and a notebook in case I don't understand something."

When he admits this, his cheeks tint to a light pink color and I can't help but awe in my head and smile brightly at him; my nerves going away almost completly.

"Are you ready to go?" he asks sweetly; nodding quickly at him as I walk past him to grab my leather jacket off the hook and slip it on.

"His curfew is midnight," dad tells Gage seriously.

"No sex on the first date and if you do, wear a condom," Parker tries to say seriously but laughs hard.

Flipping off my little brother with an eye roll at his comment while dad, Gage and Bella stare at him in shock. My little brother, everyone.

Tugging on Gage's shirt to gain his attention, I motion toward the door so we can leave and he nods with a smile as he opens the door for me; with a small bow causing me to giggle loudly. He opens the passenger side door for me as well and once I'm settled, he shuts the door and rushes to his side and once we're buckled, he starts his truck and drives us to our destination.

While Gage drives, I find a radio station I like and when I do, I start dancing in my seat - I can't help myself as I love any son by the band One Direction and all of their solo work. The song I fond was 'Drag Me Down.' When Gage starts laughing, I instantly stop my movements and drop my chin to my chest from embarressment and tears mist my eyes but I manage to keep them from falling.

"Why did you stop, I was enjoying the show?"

I can't answer him since he's driving, so I don't respond at all; I keep my head lowered but I look out the window after I turn the radio to a different station despite Gage telling me I don't have, too.

"I'm sorry if I upset you, it wasn't my intention."

I know I've already screwd up this date before it's even started; I knew I should have kept my weird in check. Several minutes later, Gage parks his vehicale and turns the engine off.

"J.M. look at me, please?" his deep voice requeasts gently; taking a deep breath, I gather my courage to look at him but before I can, Gage gently takes my chin with his thumb and forefinger to tip my chin upwards to lock gazes with me.

He's smiling gently at me with soft eyes; "I wasn't laughing negativitly at you, I was laughing because I enjoyed your dancing very much. I'm sorry if my laughter came across as mocking, that wasn't my intention."

Biting my lower lip while searching his eyes for any dishonestly and finding none, so I slowly nod at him; 'Okay and I'm sorry for ruining our date. If you want to take me home and cancel, that's fine - I'd completly understand.'

Gage pouts lightly as he hands me the pen and paper; "I only caught part of that - something about you're sorry for ruining our date which you didn't."

Quickly writing down what I said, I hand the paper back to him and his eyes shoot up to mine with more of a pout than before; "You didn't ruin our date and we're not ending it on a misunderstanding. Okay?"

'Okay,' I sign with a small smile that he returned immeditly.

"Let's enjoy our night," he grins before climbing out and so do I.

That's when I notice we're at a mini-golf place and my grin widens - I love mini-golf! Bouncing toward Gage, his eyes light up in joy as he slips his hand in mine as we head toward the building to pay, get our putters and golf balls. I choose a neon pink one and Gage got a neon blue one and we played and I won! We then went to play laser tag that's located on the same property s the mini-golf and Gage won that but that's okay with me.

After laser tag, we drive to a local cafe for dinner and boy, did it have great food and service. I'd be happy with coming back again in the future! After eating, we went to a beach and walk along the water as we talk and enjoy the sunset, hand-in-hand.

"J.M., I have an important question for you," Gage says stopping us to watch the waves.

Nodding for him to continue, he says; "WIll you be my boyfriend?"

Instantly smiling widly at him, I nod eagerly as I hug him around his muscular neck to peck him hard on the lips.

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