Chapter 3

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Blinking awake, completely disoriented as to where in the hell I'm at and where the freaking beeping is coming from. Blinking my eyes more to clear the fog and I find myself in a hospital room; strange, I thought I'd be home by now.

"J.M., how are you feeling?" dad asks as his face comes into view.

'Tired and my head and face hurt,' I sign with my left hand and a small pout on my lips.

Dad lowly chuckles while running a gentle hand through my hair - avoiding my stitches; "Your friend will be back shortly since he went to call his mom. He seems nice and he's been texting Axel while I've talked to your mum."

Huffing loudly at the mention of mum; 'WHat was her sob story about all of this?'

"She doesn't want them out of her life because they pay for things at her house. She wants you to go home but you don't have too."

'I'm not going regardless of her reason and want, she hurt me and nothing was done about it. I can't believe she's picked her over her, Pat and Bells.'

"I'm going to court tomorrow to file a petition to gain soul physical custody of the three of you. I should have done that when the incident happened."

"What incident?" Gage asks startling me.

"You don't know, I thought you and J.M. were friends?" dad returns completly confused.

"We've become friends just recently," Gage replies sitting next to dad as he stares into my dark blue eyes with his dark brown ones.

"Oh, J.M. can I tell him?" dad requests giving me a concerned look.

Shurgging a shoulder as I readjust my position on the bed, dad tells Gage my story; "Back when J.M. was 5 years old, Parker was 2 years and Bella was a year old, their mum and I had their grandma watch them while we worked during the day. Patricia, their mum's mum became angry with J.M. and poured bleach down his throat by force. Doing this almost killed him and damaged his vocal choreds and throat which caused him to not be able to speak any longer. If I hadn't picked them up when I did, he would have died but I was to late in saving him from this horror. Shortly after this I divorced Penelope but I was denied in taking them fully away from their mother."

Peaking my left eye open to see Gage's reaction to the run down version of the incident - he's horrified and angry. Why would be angry about this?

His gaze quickly moves from dad to me; "Is this why you were having a bad day at school before this?"

'Yes,' I sign with a huff of air.

"You can go how with me now, where's your car?" dad asks me.

'School lot,' I sign, slowly sitting up with a wince.

"We'll get it tomorrow," dad assures while helping me off the bed.

Nodding slowly as my head and face throb in time with my heart beat. 'Can I eat - I'm starving?'

"Yes, what do you want for dinner?" dad chuckles with a smirk.

'Pizza!' I grin at dad before looking at Gage signing; 'THanks for helping me. We can still meet tomorrow to work on our project.'

"He said thanks for helping and that you can come over tomorrow to work on your project," dad tells him.

Gage's P.O.V.

Watching John-Matthew ride away with his dad breaks my heart and I have no idea why. Sighing loudly as I run my right hand through my hair as I walk to my car and head home myself. Entering the house five minutes later, I find my parents in the kitchen where they're making dinner together, which is a normal activity.

"Hey," I greet peaking ovr mom's shoulder to find them making lasagna - yum.

"Hi baby, how's your friend?" mom asks with a soft smile.

"Hel'll be okay, he has a cut on the back of his head that needed ten stiches and a black eye. I think Tony did it to J.M. but he wouldn't say the guy did it though."

"I'm sure he'll be fine. Sounds like he needs to learn to defend himself," dad comments.

"I don't think J.M. has it in him to fight, he's sweet and innocent."

"Then you need to convience him and protect him if he won't learn," mom says gently.

"Sure," I say trying to figure out how in the hell I can do this.

J.M.'s P.O.V.

Arriving home with dad, I let out a long sigh since I want this day to be over with already.

"Patrick and Bella will be here Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon unless court grants me full custody," dad says once he shuts the engine off.

'Okay, I'm sorry for today and everything else,' I sign avoiding his eyes.

"Don't be, son. I'm sorry I didn't fight harder for the three of you and today wasn't in your control. I do want an honest answer though from you - what happened to cause this?"

Sighing loudly, I squeeze my eyes shut tightly; 'A guy punched me after I ignored his insult and I fell backwards and hit my head against the wall.'

Dad sighs saying; 'Son, I need to talk to the school tomorrow. How long has this been happening?"

Swallowing thickly, I sign back with shaky hands; 'Since freshman year.'

Quickly exiting the car before dad can say anything else and wait by the front door for him to unlock it. A few seconds later he joins me and unlocks the door and we enter the house.

"J.M. we need to talk about this more," dad says gently but I just shake my head in reply.

Turning slightly so he can see my signing; 'I'm going to lie down in my room.'

"J.M. please talk to me," he begs as I walk away.

Shaking my head as I walk up the stairs to my room which is across the hall from his; I know I need to explain everything to him but I have to collect myself first before I open this can of worms even further. Lying on my stomach on top of my bed, I can't help the sigh that leaves me as I stare at the light blue wall.

Dad knocks on the door causing me to look at him, as he leans against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest; "J.M. this is a serious matter as you were physically assualted and had to have medical attention."

'I know but it's embarressing that I got my ass kicked with one punch.'

"Has it ever been physical before today?"

'No, just verbal before today.'

True to his word, dad talked to the school the next day and took me with him. The conversation was tense and uncomfortable but Mrs. Cameron says that without video proof or someone else coming forward as a witness, she can't do anything to Tony, so dad wasn't happy but understood her position and he allowed me to stay home the rest of the day. On the way home, I text Axel and Gage to let them know this and Axel's going to drop off my homework after school for me.

"Hey, hope you're feeling better?" Gage sends during third period; smiling to myself as I know he's texting me during class and we're not supposed to be on our phones.

"Hey, I'm feeling a little better - just a raging headache and thanks for asking. Don't get in trouble for texting. How are you?"

Gage answers almost immeditly; "Take some pain reliever and try to relax and you're welcome. I won't get in trouble since I'm in Walsh's class and I'm good but will be better when you're back."

I love that the school's jock is talking to me and wants to be my friend.

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