Chapter 4

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Axel and Gage arrive at my house right after school - Axel with the homework and to see how I'm feeling and Gage to work on our stupid English project.

'Hey guys, come on in,' I greet with a small smile since anything bigger hurts my face.

"Hey J.M., all your work as promised plus my notes - I've finished everything, so don't worry about the notes," Axel grins.

'Thanks Axel,' I sign with a pout; he nods tells me he'll text me later, so Gage and I can get started on our project.

"Nice place you've got here," Gage comments as he glances around the place.

'Thanks, I guess,' I sign unsure if he's serious or not.

'Work in the living room or the kitchen?' I write on a notepad before showing it to Gage.

"Living room is fine," Gage responds with a smile. "I borrowed books from the library on ASL."

Raising both eyebrows at him in surprise as I thought he was joking when he said he wanted to learn ASL.

"Thought you were joking," I write and then show him.

"Nope, I'm very serious about learning how to talk to you properly, J.M.," he smiles sweetly at me.

Smiling brightly at him as I lead him into the living room where my school bag is already and sit on the floor between the couch and coffee table. Gage sits down next to me and places his bag next to him, so he can take out his book and folder. Two hours, one snack and bathroom break later, we've finally finished the project and dad has arrived home from work with dinner, too.

"Hey J.M. and Gage, are you boys hungry?" dad asks from the kitchen. "I brought hom Thai."

'Yummy,' I sign to Gage without thinking as the two of us clean up our school stuff.

When Gage doesn't respond, I glance at him while stuffing my belongings into my bag and finding him starring intently at me. Blushing hard, I sign; 'What?'

"I have no idea what you're saying, so I'm going to guess that you like Thai food?"

Nodding eagerly at him as I pat my growling belly before heading toward the kitchen and motioning for him to follow me, which he does. Gage chuckles as he follows me into the kitchen where dad is placing the last take-out container on the counter.

"Get your project done?" dad ask as he glances at us.

Nodding while tipping one of the containers toward me to see the contents and then raise an eyebrow toward dad in question.

"Yes that one is your's," dad chuckles as he turns his attention to Gage and gestures toward the remaining five containers; "You can have whichever one you want."

"Thanks, Mr. Brown," Gage replies looking at the containers before choosing one.

"Please call me Jacob, Mr. Brown is my dad's," dad says smiling at Gage, who is confused.

"Dad's, you mean dad?"

"Nope, I have two dad's as I was adopted," dad replies.

"That's so cool," Gage breathes completly in awe; grinning as is dad at Gage, the three of us sit around the living room with our food to eat together.

"J.M. text your mum later, she called me on my way home and she wants to talk to you about you going back to her house."

Crossing my arms over my chest as I stare blankly at my dad; 'Not happening unless you don't want me here either?'

"Of course I want you here as well as Bella and Parker. Just text your mum and talk this out with her."

Slowly nodding my head, I agree to do this; 'Fine, I'll lext her later tonight.'

"That's all I ask and I should here from the court tomorrow about you and your siblings."


Thankfully dad drops the subjects and Gage doesn't ask any questions about this and we finish dinner before Gage has to head home for the night.

'I'm going to go to my room to do my work Axel brought over and text mum,' I tell dad. 'Goodnight and I love you.'

"Love you, too son and goodnight," dad calls after me.

Settling on my bed with my homework and phone, I start on my work and text mum; "I'm not coming home until you cut them out of your life permently."

Ten minutes later mum texts back; "They help me out financially, so I can't. Why can't you accept this and them? My mom hasn't hurt you since and hasn't hurt Bella or Parker, so you shouldn't have any more issues with her or my dad. Come home or I disown you as my child."

Ignoring her for thirty minutes as I work on assignments and try to figure out how to answer her and during this time Gage texts me; "Hey, had a great night. Can I take you on a date Saturday?"

Answering Gage I text; "I'm glad you had a great time as i did too. Of course you can - what time and where do I meet you?"

"4 p.m. and I'm picking you up at your dad's place."

"Okay, sounds fantastic! Looking forward to Saturday! How should I dress?"

"Me too! Casual but warm. Have a good nite and I'll see you tomorrow."

Sighing I know I have to answer mum now; "Not happening, so I'm no longer your son. I'll collect my belongings on Friday when dad picks up Parker and Bella."

Packing away my schoolwork that I've finished, I leave my room to show dad the texts between mum and me and tell him about my date on Saturday. Dad was happy for me about my date but very pissed at mum for her texts. He has me forward the texts to him to show the court, which I happily do.

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