"We need to check on the horses we left in the valley" Jacob said as I forgot about our mounts we left behind.

"I will go my king" David volunteering as he bowed to Jacob formally. I was surprise at that since starting on our journey we all became equal. Now something shifted to formal and decorum as real life started to begin again. The Tekla village brought us back to civilize living and the royals had titles that granted them respect.

"You don't have to go. I sent some men to retrieve your horses this morning and they are waiting outside the village" said Bear Claw.

"Thank you,   Chief Bear Claw," Louis shaking the chief's hand just as Malcolm and Rachel came through the door quietly. Observing the two I could tell  that both were troubled, and it was obvious their talk didn't go well.

"I am glad you came back.  I hope you like this" Miranda coming to Rachel with a dark blue dress. "You left without telling me your choice, but this will go beautifully with your skin."

"I love it let me try them on" Rachel stammer grabbing the clothes and nearly running to the vacant room and shutting the door. Her abrupt exit left us looking to Malcolm for answers but he offered none.

"I guess no wedding bells for them"  sighed Laura whispering the last part to me. Nodding my head I was hoping Rachel would see reason but my theory of her being  afraid of falling for another man was spot on.

"All done" Miranda giving Jordan and James their new clothes. I could see the article she handed each boy were different. Jordan had a red tunic and a gray wool coat that could keep him warm through the night. His simple brown pants look to be the right length for the boy's long legs. James clothes had the same tunic but his were green and instead of wool coat he has a black leather one with pants to match.

"These look excellent "James excitedly scanning the clothes.

"Thank you but try them on I need to see I got the length of the legs right" pushing the two cousins in Simon's bedroom and shutting the door. Miranda than put up her supplies as Mara return with three younger Natives carrying bags of clothes and blankets.

"Let me go gather some fruit for your journey "Mara replied grabbing some baskets near the door.

"I'll help you "Sarah volunteered taking one of the basket out of the woman's hand as the two went outside to the orchards.

Rachel return wearing a loose dark blue dress that was ideal for riding but comfortable on. "Miranda this is perfect thank you "Rachel hugging the other woman.

"You are very welcome".

After Rachel exited the room Mark, Travis, Jacob and David enter changing into the clothes Mara collected for them. I went over to the piles and found pants and shirts that looked to be my size. I almost did a happy dance at seeing the pants. Finally, I was getting out of this horrible dress. When James and Jordan exit their room Laura and I converge quickly.

Pulling off the dress was freeing. Someone must have thought we wanted a bath. Because a large tub of boiling hot water was placed in the room. I almost cried washing the grime off my body. Laura for her part looked just as relieve as she covers herself with soap. Rinsing ourselves off I felt the chill, so I hurried to put on my new clothes.

Feeling the cotton pants on my legs I felt like myself again. The tunic was a little big but the vest I found covered it up well. Just the smell of fresh clothes put smiles on both of our faces. Laura was wearing a yellow dress that fit her perfectly.

"Andy I hated to admit this but we really need to bathe. We stuck worst than ten Bulkans running around in mud" Laura earning a chuckle from me. 

 "I know I was afraid to smell under my arms."

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