New Allies

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Louis was led to a large cabin the  one where Laura treated Bear Claw the night before. Opening the door Louis walked in and saw four elderly Native men all staring at him and Bear Claw.  They  sat at the center of the room leaving a space for Bear Claw in the middle and a chair for Louis on the opposite side. The arrangement reminded the king of a courtroom with a judge, jury, and a criminal. And by the glances he was receiving Louis could guess which one he was portraying.

Taking the seat and as soon as he looked comfortable one of the old men spoke. "We have been informed by our chief that you are asking  our help in an upcoming war." 

The man's voice was blunt and got straight to the point. Something Louis could respect  as he spoke. "Yes, we have been attacked by the Delianians and Bulkans  forces."

"Yes, we heard of the attacks on Perta soil, but can war be avoided" said another elder in a scraggy voice.

"The time of peace has gone I'm afraid" Louis responded firmly looking at the man.

A different man snorted at that statement "Then you are marrying the wrong woman. Laura Blackbird is a diplomat of peace can she not solve your problems.

"No, this is beyond Laura's capabilities" Louis stating hoping Laura's reputation would sway them but their sour expressions was discouraging.. 

"King Louis even if we wanted to aid your troops. You need to understand that the Tekla and our sister tribe are peaceful people. We haven't fought in a Petra's wars in decades. "An elder not giving any sympathy to the king's situation..

"I know that your people are inexperience in war. But if I fall they will come after all Perta including you. " Louis stressed trying gather support and got none.

"Our people will withstand the enemy. We are safe in our mountain home and have been for generation" said one confident man as his words made the king's blood boil. This fool was condemning his people believing a mountain will save them.

"The enemies has a weapon that will shatter your natural defense. "Seeing the fear in the old men eyes he finally got their attention.

"This cannot be true it must be a horrible rumor" Said another elder.

"No, it isn't a rumor I seen this weapon in Weston destroying the once successful village. "Louis sadly remembering that day and the people that was lost in the mayhem.

"A weapon like is worrisome but King Louis how could that  village be so unprepared. Did they  not have guards or defense in place "said one-man disbelief in his voice.

"The village was betrayed by trusted officials and their families. They told the raiders of the village's blind spots."Louis answering.

"We understand the importance but what do we have to gain" negotiated an elder looking somewhat interested.

"I can offer a trade "Louis bargained and seeing a spark of excitement go through the room.

"You will grant us anything the tribe desire" the last elder finally speaking.

"Yes, I will. "Louis said confidently.

The elders and Bear Claw whisper to one another before coming to agreement. " We want a road built through the Talia Mountain to Corona River."

Smiling "Then it is granted and to honor this agreement I will name the road the Tekla Pass." The men in the tribe seem to lighten up with the conditions and naming of the road.

"We have agreement your majesty "Bear Claw accepted shaking Louis's hand and the king was relieve for their aid. Their crops could feed his army for the war and extra men might be necessary in this region until his royal army came with reinforcements.

Louis was leaving when a thought came to him. Turning back to the five men he said, "I need to ask a question about your tribe."

"We will answer all your questions my king to the best of our abilities" Bear Claw said looking at him with patience.

"I have seen some in your tribe treating my fiancée Laura Blackbird differently after hearing of our engagement." Louis bluntly looking at two men as they made their displeasure known.

"Many Native women when they marry outside of their people adopt the custom of their husband. Never returning to their previous tradition "said an elder like he was describing  Laura's future actions.   

"Laura doesn't have to change herself to be with me. "Louis feeling insulted that these men felt so little about his bride's morality. Letting his words settle in the minds of the others.

"And lets not forget a Native queen on the throne of Perta, " Said Bear Claw one of their only supporters in the room. With that  the naysayers got excited about Laura as the queen. Saying his fare wells Louis was escorted to the location the others were waiting.

Seeing Laura and the others sitting down on some rocks with the horses already saddled. "Someone seems happy so I assume everything went well." asked Jacob the first one to notice his arrival.

"Yes, it did but I had to offer a trade first" Louis admitted sitting down beside Laura. Turning at the sound of his voice she grinned with pride making Louis more confident.

"That was brilliant what did you promise them" she asked.

"I will build a road for their trade."

Nodding Laura combed her hands through her hair as she spoke. "That was smart to provide a trade it shows them you understand their ways.

"Now that I have allies. I need to apologize for the way I treated you earlier. "Louis apologized taking Laura's face into his hands.

"It's forgotten you were stress over the invasion." Laura accepted with a shrug.

"It was out of line and I need you to hold me countable. I realize since I became king people have been stoking my ego not telling my mistakes. I choose you because of the honesty you have Laura."

"You shouldn't have gotten angry" Laura finally said turning her stare on him. "I travel this land with my father and I know how to defend myself.

Louis took her in his arms "I know that now.  I'm sorry for disrespecting you" giving her a kiss. The two got a little distracted missing their group of friend surrounding them until some cleared their throat.

Laura blush at the attention they were receiving. "If you keep kissing me like that Rachel and Sarah isn't going to be the only one pregnant ."

"Good I want a little girl  " said Louis kissing Laura again. Images of a little girl with Laura's face and his mother smile  being rocked in his arms. Yes, they were having children soon he was going to make that dream reality.

"This is all sweet, but we need to go" yelled Travis making them separate.

"" Okay " Louis chuckled letting Laura leave his arms.  Helping her mount the horse Louis  notices the others were all on their horses  waiting for his next order. Royals like himself are putting their trust and faith in him and that was encouraging. After securing Laura on her horse he fasten himself ready for what was coming next. Its time to act like the king of this land  and the first step was to go Evergreen. Signaling the others he started a gallop not questioning if they were following his mind on one task only. To save his kingdom and be a king his bride would be proud to call her husband.


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