This Is Observations.

Start from the beginning

Slyly, I poke at her leg, "I've heard rumors about you and a certain ladie's man."

"Hell no." was the quick reply, "Don't even get me started on that idiot of a man. I won't be strapped down to a flirtatious, non-committing, irritating twat as him."

I couldn't help but notice the light tint of pink in her pale skin. It wouldn't be wise to call it out though, I didn't want to become impaled by her lance. "Why don't you tell me how you really feel?" I tease. The line of marching starts to slow down, and I peer into the crowd to see why but Sully has my attention again.

"What about you? Want to meet your future kid?" she asks me.

Did I honestly? That would ruin so many surprises and life moments if I did. Yet.. I felt cheated that many of my friends got to meet them, even if it was under sad circumstances. "If I meet them, that means I must have died and left them all alone sometime in the future," I state, "But, it would be amazing to just see what they looked like, you know? See how much they were like me. I just doubt that I'll have a child though."

"Psh, I'm right there with ya."

We both collectively sigh, before she goes ahead of me, leading her horse around the outside of the company. The big animal was getting skittish from being in line too long.

So, again, I'm left alone to my thoughts, and what does the mind usually do when it's left to it's own devices?

Mine particularly enjoys torturing me, and brings back a certain meeting with the new king of Plegia and the main priest of their county.. The one who Chrom suggested was my twin. Everytime I thought of them, my head would start to pound, much like it had earlier today.

I knew the headaches were brought on by Validar, he spoke to me in my head about us being connected, then when he appeared and made the claim that he was my father. Well, shocked and horrified are the only words I can think of to describe what I was feeling. I remember shouting at him to get out of my head and having him just speak over my request, telling me I was sacred blood, that I was wasting my time with these doomed servants of Naga. 

I could feel my heart beat racing, and I take a deep breath. I never knew who I really was, ever since waking up in that field two years ago. I was only ever Maelys. Maelys the tactician and I was okay with that.

But now I had no idea, did I really want to know who I was, if it meant coming from that shady man? The only consolation I had was Chrom, who reminded me that no matter where I came from, I am my own person.

His words only went so far, my own self-conscious was aware of every possibility.

"I like that shade of pale on you!" Henry exclaims, coming from my side and gracefully turning around in front of me, grinning.

I raise an eyebrow at him and raise a hand to my face, it felt pretty cold. "Um, thank you?" I say hesitantly. That's right, we picked up Henry that night as well.. He was very strange, but I decided quickly for all his quirkiness and sometimes overly sadistic nature, that he would be a good asset to us. 

He floats over to my side, linking arms with me. "You look as if you've seen your own excruciating demise. Sharing is caring, you should explain what it looked like. Was it fabulously gory?"

Dear gods.

"Hate to break it to you but no, that is not what I was thinking about." but it did bring back the nightmare I had this morning..

The deep and long sigh that emerges from his lungs shows his disappointment.

"But.. I did have a nightmare this morning," I start off, at least if I told him it, he would think it was cool. If there is anyone I could talk to and get it off of my chest, it would be Henry.

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