Comforting him; J.JK

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As soon as you walked through the front door large arms wrapped around your neck, holding you close to the owner of them. You instantly hugged back, not even questioning Jungkook's actions as he buried his face even deeper into your neck.

"What's wrong, love?" You asked softly, making sure that your words were filled with a reassuring tone so that he wouldn't feel as if he were being a burden to you. He was silent for a while, obviously not really wanting to talk even though he would need to sooner or later. You didn't push him to answer though, simply hugging him tighter.

After a couple of minutes you slightly pulled away but made sure to lace your fingers through Jungkook's, softly tugging him in the direction of the living room so that the two of you could talk about whatever was bothering Jungkook. Silently with his bottom lip held between his teeth, Jungkook allowed you to sit him down on the couch, watching as you sat next to him and watched him with a concerned expression. He didn't want to cause you stress which was why he hadn't spoken about his problems.

"Talk to me Kookie, what's got you in such a state hm?" You asked, drawing comforting shapes on the back of his hand. Jungkook looked into your eyes as if to search for any annoyance or irritation, feeling comforted when he found nothing but sincerity embedded deep into your pupils. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, Jungkook allowed his bottom lip to snap back into place.

"H-Had an argument with Namjoon hyung earlier, it was pretty bad." He mumbled, bottom lips wobbling as he spoke. "I can't even remember how it started if i'm being honest, only how it ended. We both said some things that we didn't mean, that I hope we didn't mean, and now everything is weird and messed up. What if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore?"

A harsh sob wracked through Jungkook's body as his tears fell down his cheeks once more. You watched as he brought your intertwined hands up to his chest and held it tightly as if it were bringing him comfort. The only thing that you could do was rub his back and whisper words of reassurance into his ear in hopes that it would help him calm down.

"Hey, it's ok Jungkook. I'm sure that Namjoon hyung still wants to be your friend and that he's also feeling this way! Why don't you just give him some time to cool off, maybe call him in the morning and ask to meet up so that you can talk things out?" You suggest in an encouraging manner, one that causes Jungkook's sobs to come to a quick stop. In fact, he seems to have cheered up considerably.

"Wow, why didn't I think o-of that before? I guess I wasn't thinking straight because I was panicking about everything. Do you really think he'll want to talk?" He sounds almost timid when he asks this, shrinking into himself which makes me look smaller than he actually is. You nod enthusiastically, a bright smile on your face.

"Of course! The two of you have been best friends as long as i've known you, a little argument won't come in the way of that. Joonie is a rational guy, he's probably beating himself up about it too!" You tell him, bringing out a shy smile onto Jungkook's face which warms your heart.

"You're right, thank you for listening to me being irrational Y/n, I love you."

"I love you too, now come on and take a nap with me, I had a long day in the office." You giggle happily, pulling him up and into your shared room so that you could fall asleep in his arms, as comfortable as you could ever possibly be.

By the time you wake up the next morning, sunlight is pouring into the room through a gap in the blinds and Jungkook is nowhere to be seen. Obviously, he had listened to your suggestion on meeting up with Namjoon which would explain why he was gone so early in the morning. Only an hour later, the front door slams open and you can hear Jungkook whistling happily as he shuts the door behind him.

"I suppose things went well then?" You tease as he enters the bedroom, a happy grin spread across his face. Jungkook nods and does some sort of happy dance, raising is hands up in the air slightly and wiggling his hips from side to side. So endearing.

"Yes! We got everything out onto the table and apologised! I'm so glad, I don't know what I'd do if me and Joonie weren't friends anymore, I would be lost." Jungkook sighs in relief, sarcastically wiping a hand over his forehead which causes you to laugh and roll your eyes at him. Briefly, he pecks your lips before throwing himself down on to the bed beside you.

"It's all thanks to you, you know?" He tells you quietly, finger brushing against your cheek as he stares at you.

"Of course, better be ready the next time I need a favour." You joke, squeaking when Jungkook decides to tickle your sides, your body spasming as his fingers continue their assault.

"I'll give you anything you want, you deserve it."

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