Let's Get That Cuppa

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The dim light was passing through the cracks in the door to the interrogation room number 7-26, where a person sat almost motionlessly in the uncomfortable wooden chair. The metal shackles were attached to the skinny wrists. And another person, a woman clad in the crimson Auror robes was hovering over a man, no, a boy, bound to the seat. The boy was tall and looked exhausted and slightly malnourished. Blonde hair was falling into his eyes and he nervously shook his head trying to see the woman properly.

Auror Baelish was an expert legilimens, sent for in the occasion when the Veritaserum was just not an option anymore. She had interrogated rustles murderers, potion smugglers, and all sorts of dirty crooks who had developed an immunity to the truth serum, but never a child. Obviously, the case file stated that the boy in front of her was of age and had received the Mark. But in here he looked so young and vulnerable, he almost reminded her of her little brother.

"Alright, Draco... That's your name, innit," she started, tucking her hair behind her ear and sighing in exasperation, "I've heard you are quite good at Occlumency. But since you've lost your wand and have an impressive list of charges against you, you might as well stop struggling and just give in. It would be easier for us both."

The boy was silent, trying to twist his shackled wrists into a more comfortable position. He stared at her with a vacant look in his eyes, she had seen only when one was concentrating on blocking one's mind from the intrusion.

"Oh well, you leave me no choice, really," Baelish said lifting her wand. Robarts had warned her that Malfoys were extremely protective of each other and whatever information they possessed that might incriminate them. But it was incredible how long he could withstand her attempts at penetrating his mind.

He lived there, in their house. She reminded herself bitterly, Elise Baeilish was certainly no match for the Dark Lord in her abilities. However, maybe if she could talk to the boy, make him understand, he would give in just this once.

"Listen...", she exhaled, lowering her wand and propping herself onto the chair opposite from him, "I know you have a lot to hide from me, all things considered... but you're not going to help yourself nor your mother for that matter. She seemed rather fond of you when I talked to her."

Malfoy let out a bitter laugh and continued to stare at her unperturbed.

"And Mister Potter, as I recall, had agreed to speak on your behalf, both of you... but we need your testimony, your side of the story," Elise studied the boy's face for a moment. His concentration seemed to waver just the slightest bit when she mentioned the Boy Who Lived. So she decided to press on that some more.

"You were classmates at Hogwarts, weren't you? Different houses, I assume, but you've known each other. Potter said you helped them. What happened that day? You were at the Manor, for holidays, weren't you? And you did not recognize him, Mister Potter, even though you knew who it was. Why didn't you? What stopped you? You knew he would hurt your family after that?"

That had almost done it, she managed to see a glimpse of a memory just then. A red hot shock of the Cruciatus curse and Draco Malfoy writhing in pain on the floor of the well-furnished drawing-room. He seemed to be staring at the grand piano in the corner, concentrating on the black and white keys as his body convulsed in agony once more.

"Did you use to play?" Elize said, musing at the recollection."I picked up the violin when I was in primary school. Back when I thought I was just an ordinary muggle."

His eyes widened in disbelief. He was looking at her with curiosity and not hostility that she had expected from a pureblood wizard.

"Ah yes, a mudblood legilimens, and a Slytherin, I might add," she snickered at his gobsmacked expression, "I guess the old hat was truly bonkers when it sorted me. But here we are."

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