Grand Theft Auto

21 2 0

Someone cast a spell and an uncomfortable shiver went down his spine forcing him to wake up.

"I need to go soon," Amanda said quietly giving him a little pat on the shoulder. "Are you going to be fine here until noon? I will come back with some brunch if you want to."

"Er... I guess," the blonde murmured, his neck gave a painful crack when he tried to stretch a bit.

"The DLME still has Mr. Potter's wand, I'll try to get it back," the Auror promised and with that, she disappeared behind the opaque glass door.

Draco was sick and tired of this room and this smell of muggle chemicals and this constant beeping of the machines. His eyes felt like there was sand in them, even though he had downed at least five of those disgusting coffees and had cast a few Eneverates on himself.

Amanda on the other hand had been merrily chatting away all through their night vigil at Harry's bedside. She had even confessed that Elise's untimely death was the reason she infiltrated the DMLE in the first place. Apparently, they were partners and not strictly in the work-related fashion. Draco realized at that moment why she was affected by the veela's call. He started wondering what it would be like if he and Harry were working together, would he be able to protect him as much as Amanda tried with the Baelish girl, or would their relationship be in the way of him thinking clearly and making the right decisions.

A cold gray morning came suddenly when he opened his eyes for the second time. Draco realized that he had fallen asleep in an uncomfortable position on the little stool next to Harry's bed in the Intensive Care Unit. There was another bag of translucent liquid slowly dripping away into the Gryffindor's vein. The nurse must have come during the night. It was a miracle that she hadn't kicked him out yet. Maybe, the disillusionment charm was still working.

He heard the footsteps in the corridor and recast the spell just in case before an old man in the short white robe accompanied by the two nurses burst into the room, looking all business.

"Is this the patient?" he asked, flipping through the array of papers on the clipboard.

"Yes sir, we got him in the I and E yesterday afternoon and then transferred him to the ICU as soon as we could." one of the nurses spoke rapidly, pointing to the chart. "There is a problematic wound on the right shoulder area, it seemed that some sort of homemade remedies were used to treat it. However, the lab work results have been even more alarming. We are thinking it was a drug overdose... Most likely amphetamines. We did the infection panel, HIV, Hepatitis, and Syphilis, all came out negative."

The Slytherin let out a sigh of relief, at least St. Mungo's Healers made sure that the Savior of the Wizarding World did not contract any muggle deceases from the scum that was Greyback. And there was something else that he heard that made him hope that Harry wasn't infected with lycanthropy. The drugs. Muggles thought it was some kind of overdose, which meant that whatever happened to that hapless Healer wasn't because of the full moon but rather because Potter was fed some kind of potion and then attacked him under the influence.

"Very well," the doctor nodded. "Did you remove the damaged tissue?"

"Yes, we started all the necessary IV drips as well." another nurse confirmed.

"The authorities wanted to speak to him as soon as he wakes up. Please make sure nobody comes into the unit," the man said and left.

Panic swelled in Draco's throat at those words. 'The authorities' could mean anything from just muggle cops to the DMLE. If those who wanted to talk to Harry were wizards they would definitely find out that a fugitive former Death Eater was in the room as well. He needed to know who wanted to see Potter before they both ended up in custody.

He got up and followed that doctor further into the ICU. There were other patients connected to the various machines like Harry, most of them were luckily unconscious. The blonde waited until the nurses went away to do their duties and the old man was alone, checking on another comatose person. He crept behind him and spoke the incantation as quietly as possible.


... a familiar sterile corridor with uncomfortable benches is filled with people... middle-aged women in colorful scrubs... a flock of distracted looking youths with notebooks in their hands and fear in their eyes... old women are complaining to the nurses about the waiting time... further into the corridor... some silhouettes caught his attention... two men in crimson jackets stand out from the crowd of patients and medical staff... they approach the old man who is sipping the same vile coffee from the paper cup...

Draco staggered away, emerging from the doctor's memories. He almost hit some equipment behind him.

Bloody Aurors...

He ran back to Potter's room, not even caring about making too much noise or recasting the disillusionment charm.

"Harry," the blonde whispered harshly to the unconscious lad in front of him, "Wake up."

He shook him a little but to no avail. There must have been some sort of medicine that kept him sedated in those translucent bags. He wondered if it was too early to remove all those needles from the other boy's arm. Muggle remedies worked slower than magical potions and he could do some harm to the poor sod if he tried to stop the drip.

"Potter, listen to me, the Aurors are waiting to arrest us both out there, so we need to get out of here before they do!" Draco gritted right by his ear and shook him again.

It was probably the worst idea in the world to cast any spells on the injured person, but there was no time to spare.

"Eneverate," the Slytherin muttered, trying his best for the charm to work as gently as possible.

Harry's eyelids fluttered and then his face grimaced in pain as he slowly came back to consciousness.

"Mmmm... what?... What happened?... Draco?... Is that you?" the brunette murmured, looking around the hospital room with his unfocused bloodshot eyes.

"Harry..." the blonde replied, "There is no time to explain, we need to go!"

"But... Why?" Potter protested.

"The Aurors," Draco said urgently. "They will be there to arrest us soon!"

He glanced towards the glass door behind him and cursed himself for not putting any wards just in case. Draco had already done enough magic around muggles to file a few dozen Statute of Secrecy violations if he had been caught, the fact that he was around another wizard without a trace had probably helped those spells to be unnoticed.

"Us?" Harry glanced at him incredulously, he didn't look at all surprised to see all those muggle machines attached to him, probably because he knew what the hospital looked like before, "You're the one they want... so you should go... I will stay, I wanted to talk to Kingsley and explain to him that it was all my fault and that you are innocent anyway."

"You must have forgotten what happened at St. Mungo's then," the blonde huffed irritably at this display of foolish selflessness. "You were trespassing, escaped the arrest, and then..."

...Got kidnapped, drugged and attacked the Healer...

He couldn't say it out loud, not when Harry had already thought that everything was his fault. If he had known about the incident at St. Barbara's he would blame himself for the rest of his life, and that wasn't what Draco wanted for him. He refused to see Harry as some sort of monster that could kill or severely injure another person with his bare hands. He understood what self-loathing did to people, he had done a big share of it himself.

"Oh," the Gryffindor's expression darkened as he realized what happened, "Then you should definitely go... you can't stay around me!"

"Shut up! You bloody martyr!" Draco snapped at him. "We're escaping together... and I will knock you out again if I need to if you refuse to cooperate!"

Harry chuckled a bit and tried sitting up but he had little strength left in him. He let out a defeated breath and settled back onto the pillow.

"Merlin's bollocks, it's hard..." he croaked, "Why am I in the muggle hospital anyway?"

"Haven't I told you, there's no time for explanations!" Draco replied almost desperately. "We need to go, now!"

"Alright, just help me out, will you?" Harry asked petulantly and winced when the blonde pulled the needle out of his arm in one swift motion.

The beeping machines were the trickiest part since neither of them knew how to turn them off without alerting half of the hospital.

"Try... try the freezing spell..." Harry suggested. "It seemed to work on those muggle radio alarm clocks before."

The blonde used the charm and miraculously the equipment froze and stopped beeping. It bought them some time to unhook all the wires from the Gryffindor. Harry sat on the edge of his bed, leaning heavily on Draco's arm for support and breathing unevenly.

"Harry, I know it's hard but you need to move..." the blonde pleaded. He looked around to see if anyone noticed that the devices weren't working.

"I'm trying ... I can't... There's usually those wheelchairs for patients... I saw them on muggle TV... go look for one..." the other boy explained.

"Potter, I am a bloody wizard, for Salazar's sake," Draco rolled his eyes. "Mobilicorpus!"

The brunette let out a surprised yelp when his body lifted itself from the bed easily and was suspended in midair in front of the Slytherin.

"I am not some puppet! And I need some clothes! " the boy complained, trying to cover himself with the hospital gown.

"Let's get going, I will transfigure you something once we're in the car!" Draco barked and went out of the hospital room with Harry floating behind him.

They successfully got to the end of the corridor when they heard some commotion stir in the ICU. One of the nurses must have noticed that a sedated patient went missing and warned the rest. Someone's fast approaching footsteps echoed behind them and then there were a couple of angry people in scrubs pursuing them.

"Stop! Where are you taking the patient?!" somebody shouted and Draco realized that his disillusionment charm must have worn off.

"This is some ridiculous deja vu!" Harry commented sarcastically as he and the blonde descended the fire emergency stairs quickly, the brunette bumping his head and limbs into walls on the turns.

They got to the entrance and ran towards the parking lot. A few muggles were looking at them curiously so Draco canceled the levitating spell and wrapped one arm around Harry's waist, supporting his heavy limp body as they managed to hide behind the parked ambulance. He could see the nurses searching the area and he pressed himself closer to the cold side of the vehicle and held his breath, hoping that their odd couple would be unnoticed.

"What should we do?" Harry's whisper tickled his ear.

"Not get caught, preferably..." the blonde gritted. "We need to get to my car but I cannot risk using noticeable spells in front of so many muggles."

"How about this car then?" the Gryffindor gave him a mischievous grin and patted the metal door of the ambulance.

"Are you out of your mind? Stealing a fucking muggle vehicle?!" Draco hissed incredulously.

"Come on, they will find us sooner or later," Potter reasoned.

"Fine!" he snapped back.

The blonde cast a quick unlocking spell and half-dragged the ridiculous lad onto the passenger side. It was quite a task since the seats were higher than in a normal sedan. Once Potter was successfully inside, Draco hopped behind the steering wheel. Another spell and the muggle engine came to life, the blinkers and the ambulance siren turned on as well. The blonde pulled out of the parking space grazing the neighboring cars in the process. He had never driven the vehicle that was that big and bulky.

A man was running towards them, cursing under his breath, his bright yellow jacket half on, and coffee spilling everywhere from his cup. It was probably the real driver. Draco hastily pressed the gas pedal and drove off, amazed at the way the traffic let them pass through once that annoying noise was heard.

"Now we're majorly fucked if we get caught, Potter, thanks to you!" Draco shouted over the blaring sound as he steered furiously onto the bigger motorway and away from that wretched muggle hospital.

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