Bound In Ruins- Chapter 13

Start from the beginning

"And who are you exactly?" Ella, another member challenged.

I smirked at her. She was one of my newest members, taking on for her father's shoes in his seat. She had yet to meet the Devereux's but every single businessperson in New York City knew of the Devereux. They truly were a force to be reckoned with.

Kai stood up and walked over to stand in front of the head of the table, facing all of them.

"What's your name?" He asked curiously.

She lifted her pen up to her lips, making me laugh instantly. She blushed, and I knew that she was feeling a mixture of intimidation yet flustered.

Kai had the tendency to do that.

His looks were strikingly beautiful, yet his presence caused everyone in the same room to feel nervous.

"Ella Foster," She replied.

"Well, Ella. What are your thoughts about this plan?" He asked more as if he were trying to set herself up to fail at whatever were to come out of her mouth.

"I think that it's a spectacular idea however, in theory. I don't see the difference in this project over the last one we did," she replied firmly.

"The difference in this over any projects you might've seen is the vision. Look at the details people, not the overall picture. It's those details that will ensure the success for this project. Take a moment and look at all of the facets that are comprised in it. Quit looking at whether you will see a profit coming into your pocket because that will get you nowhere." Kai responded.

"With the addition of my attendance and appearance supporting this project, it will not only create a more larger appeal, but it will ensure the overall long-term growth." He added.

"These questions are silly. Don't bother wasting Ms. James time with such matters if these are your concerns." Kai responded shaking his head as if the people in from of him were stupid.

"Who are you? This meeting is confidential, who gave you permission to enter without any regard?" Another remember replied.

I had a feeling that after this meeting, I was to get shit about Kai's sudden arrival, however, I knew that with his ties to the company moving forward, they would be ecstatic over partnering with the most wealthiest and successful property management company to mankind.

"Kaius Devereux." I answered for him, causing everyone's mouth to fall wide open.

I wanted to laugh at the sudden reaction from each of them. I noticed Kai was unfazed at them as his facial expression hadn't changed reaction.

I looked at Ella and Julia who kept looking from me to him, trying to understand what exactly was going on.

"That will be all for today, you are all excused." I told them, ending the meeting.

Kaius came over to me as everyone existed the meeting quickly, not asking a question more.

After the last member left, I shut the door.

"What made you come?" I asked.

"I thought you had an important meeting today?" I added walking back to him. He was sitting on the edge of the table as I stood in front of him.

"I cancelled it. Your board seems quite opinionated," He replied, staring into my eyes intensely.

His green eyes showed no emotion, as if it were hiding a barrel of secrets.

"They do have a major say in what happens here. I never wanted it to feel like a dictatorship," I replied.

"There's a fine line between a democracy and a dictatorship. They should never feel that they could just ambush you with questions the way they did today. They should respect you-"

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