She nods, it's a few minutes before she speaks again.

"That came out of nowhere.. Perhaps you should shoot now, Billy." Elle says, before trying to stand up.

"Easy. Don't rush." I tell her, helping her up and guiding her away from the gun on the floor. "You got it Bill?"

"Yeah. You take care of her." He says.
I guide  Elle to my car and sit her in the passenger seat as she looks around.
"You good?"

She nods "Yeah. I- That took me by surprise... What happened to your face?"

Waving it off, I take her face in my hands and look at her eyes to make sure she is with me. Seeing that she was focused I let go and dust off her legs from where she hit the dirt, I also check for injuries.

"I got to you in time."

"How did you know?" She asks.

"Your arms dropped suddenly. I was almost too you as the gun slipped out your hand."

She looks at Billy "Is he mad?"

"For what?" I ask.

"For dropping the gun. That in itself is pretty dangerous." She says.

"I think he was just more concerned about you."

Elle nods and pushes herself back into the seat. "I'm going to sit here for a while. Go.. Be manly and let me watch."

"No it's-"

"Zak." She says looking at me. "I'm fine and don't think I haven't noticed the mark across your face and your avoidance technique."

I lower my head, mainly to hide the smile, she is back to busting my balls already. I lean in the car and kiss her forehead before going to the back of the car and getting out my guns.

"Wanna put that pea shooter away, Bill?" I ask him showing him what I had.

"Oh yeah!" He grins.


Just as I shut off the car in the garage, Elle wakes up and looks around. Realising we are back at home, she lets out a small sigh and stretches out her body.

"Home." I say, hoping she wants to be here.

"I must have fell asleep."

I don't tell her that she has been asleep for almost 3 hours, because she obviously needed the rest. We both get out the car without a word and head in, as I toss my keys on the side, Elle kicks off her shoes and pads into the lounge, crashing down on the couch.

The afternoon sun has turned the whole room a golden colour and Elle was in the middle of it all.

I think this is what the new generation call the golden hour, which was perfect for snapping photos with due to the contrast and lighting. They aren't wrong...

Part of me wants to explain everything, before Elle has to ask, but another part of me wants to avoid telling her what happened this morning. In case she takes it badly.

Biting the bullet, I walk over and sit down opposite her, admiring the complexion of her skin and how gorgeous she looks right now.

"Let's hear it..." She says, giving me my opportunity to fess up.

I wonder if Mia has already told her? She picked up her phone as soon as we came in..

"I don't-"

"The reason you lied about a meeting, Zak. It's not that I care where you are going constantly. I'm not your guardian, your mother or your wife. I just don't like being lied to. If you didn't want to tell me, then fine. You could have said 'I've got something to do.' I wouldn't have minded. You don't have to tell me everything. But lying..." She draws off.

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