Chapter 2: And they were roommates

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A couple weeks later, Logan and Roman had moved in. It hadn't really taken long, they didn't have much furniture or anything. It was mostly a matter of dealing with the paperwork that Virgil had insisted on as a precaution. Logan had taken care of it rather quickly, and added his own improvements upon it that Virgil couldn't find any reason to argue with.
Roman had made himself at home, and was really friendly with Patton and Virgil. Virgil would usually say that he was being a bit too friendly, except that it felt really genuine. It didn't feel like an act, it really felt like it was just Roman's personality. Which was probably a sign that Roman was a great actor and Virgil was extremely gullible to his lies, but Virgil wasn't really in the mood to be any more paranoid than he had to be.
Logan mostly stayed in their room, only coming out every once in a while for dinner or something of the sort. He didn't talk as much as Roman, he usually only spoke up to answer questions, and when he was answering he was usually very concise excepting occasions where the other's confusion showed elaboration was needed. He was soft spoken as well, so Virgil always had to pay close attention to hear what he was saying.
Virgil had relaxed quite a bit since their first meeting. Logan and Roman hadn't stolen anything or attempted to murder them (yet), and they did seem to be really in love, even though they weren't mated yet.
Roman was very, very, very protective of Logan, as became clear when the four of them had been out shopping and a beta got a little too close to Logan, prompting Roman to full on growl at the man, exposed fangs and all, which was partially sweet but mostly super awkward for everyone there except Roman. Not to mention the fucking scent, all Virgil could smell in the moment was a terretorial Roman, even the terrified beta scent wasn't enough to drown it out. Logan had apologized and quickly left, dragging Roman behind him and scolding him gently.
Logan was considerably less territorial, but was obviously uncomfortable whenever Roman was too far from him in a crowded area, or anywhere really. While Virgil didn't really understand it, he could acknowledge that it was a cute quirk of Logan's. He could definitely see why the possessive and protective Roman would appreciate Logan wanting to stay close to him. But it was an oddly submissive trait for a beta to have... Well, Logan was probably just a beta with submissive tendencies. Betas could fall anywhere between submissive and aggressive, and while most usually ended somewhere in the middle, it wasn't exactly uncommon for a beta to be especially omega-like.
And besides, they were good roommates. They cleaned up after themselves, chipped in for food, and were mostly quiet during the day. Logan kept Roman in check, which was nice since Roman could be rather loud sometimes. And fuck it, they were really nice and pretty fun to be around.
In fact, Virgil found himself liking them a lot. He could definitely see them all being really good friends once they got more familiar with each other (so long as Roman promised to stop growling at strangers). Roman was a bit boisterous, but he was funny and nice and never too overwhelming. Logan did mostly keep to himself, but he did more than his share of chores and was extremely helpful in organizing a budget for them all.
Virgil still didn't quite understand how the two of them had ever fallen in love in the first place, seeing as they were so different. But they did seem to genuinely enjoy each other's company and were always thinking of the other when making any decisions, like how whenever they went shopping Roman would grab a jar (or several) of that one jelly Logan loved, and how Logan had a playlist of songs from musicals on his phone despite not enjoying them much himself. Virgil couldn't imagine why they weren't mated yet.
Not that it would necessarily be a good idea for every couple in love to claim each other and become mates right away, Virgil would never advise that, but seeing as Roman and Logan considered themselves extremely committed and called each other their mate, it was weird they wouldn't have claimed each other by now. If they thought of themselves as mated, why wouldn't they actually mate? Virgil understood the want to get a job for Logan, but he still couldn't entirely wrap his head around what was stopping them. When he and Patton had claimed each other, it felt like everything had clicked into place. Suddenly, everything felt so... right. Surely it would be even easier for an alpha-beta pairing, especially for ones so enamored with each other. Virgil couldn't understand it.
Virgil and Patton walked back into their apartment after their date, laughing together. Logan and Roman looked up from their place on the couch and Logan slid off of Roman's lap. Virgil had learned Logan wasn't a fan of pda, while Roman didn't seem to care or even notice if other people were in the room. Roman held Logan close against his side. "Hey guys."
Patton smiled. "Hi." He put his coat onto the rack and went into the living room. Roman smiled at them, then redirected his attention to the tv. "Care to watch with us? It's a really close round." He grinned and nudged Logan's side. "Wouldn't be close if Logan was on. He's only missed one so far."
Logan shrugged. "I'm not particularly well versed in obscure silent French movies, or the actresses therein."
Virgil shook his head. "I'm tired. I think I'll just go to sleep."
Patton nodded. "Me too. Goodnight you two."
"Goodnight." Roman kissed Logan's temple and continued watching the show.
Virgil suddenly caught a whiff of a sweet, citrus mixed with floral scent, stronger than usual. His pupils dilated and he looked at Roman and Logan. "Have either of you been out today?" He asked slowly, continuing to sniff the air.
Roman opened his mouth, then Logan responded. "I went to apply for a job in a different sector than before. This one was omega dominated as well, so my apologies if I smell of omega and pups." He shrugged. "It probably won't work out. Omegas are usually uncomfortable when anyone other than another omega handles their pups. I got lucky at my last job."
Virgil nodded. "Alright." He frowned. "You're applying for jobs again? You only left your old one a bit ago."
Logan shrugged. "It doesn't hurt to see what's in the area. I'd like to have options when I begin looking for work again. Even if I'd like to stop caretaking, I need to have something to fall back on."
Virgil nodded. "Okay. That makes sense." He turned and went to his room, frowning to himself.
He sat next to Patton on the bed. "Pat. Has Logan been smelling off to you?"
Patton nodded. "He's been applying for jobs again. Being around a lot of omegas makes him smell weird. Like that time you were volunteering at the birthing shelter and had hints of pregnant omega in your scent. Old ladies kept asking me how far along you were."
Virgil sighed. "His scent has beta in it, but it's been smelling really strongly of  omega. Shouldn't it be the other way around if what he's saying is true? And he said he might smell of omega and pups, but he doesn't smell of pups at all."
Patton shrugged. "I don't know Virgey. Maybe. I like to think he's being honest. You smelt nearly half and half, and you were only volunteering part time."
Virgil leaned against him. "Yeah, I guess. I want to think he's being honest too. But what if he's not?"
"Then we kick them out and find new roommates."
Virgil groaned and pressed his face into their chest. "But they're good roommates too!"
"Then we don't kick them out?"
"But what if they're lying?" Virgil sighed. "I don't know what to do Patton."
Patton kissed his forehead. "How about we cross that bridge when we get to it, yeah? We don't even have any solid evidence that they are lying. Smelling weird isn't exactly a crime. And if Logan's an omega, why wouldn't Roman have claimed him already? It's much easier for claimed omegas to get work in caretaking, isn't it?"
Virgil leaned against him. "I guess. But Logan wants to get out of caretaking work, he doesn't like it at all. It would be really hard for an omega to get work in nearly any other field, especially one that's been claimed. Remy used to complain all the time about how most of his interviewers thought he should stay home and have pups."
    "I guess. But it's the same for a beta that's been claimed by an alpha, isn't it? People usually just start to see them as omegas at that point, right? Besides, even if he's an omega, it might not be all that bad. He hasn't bothered us yet."
    Virgil frowned. "That's true. But do we really want them to think it's okay if they lie to us?"
    "We can tell them it isn't okay."
    "They should know that already, shouldn't they?"
Patton shrugged. "Like I said, we'll figure it out when, or if, we get there, okay?"
    Virgil nodded. "Okay." He sighed. "I'm not going to be able to stop thinking about it."
"I know Virgey. But just try to give them the benefit of the doubt." Virgil nodded.

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