A Sandwich For Sera

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    Sera was dreaming.
    She had had this dream before. It was the same every time. She's young, three, maybe four years old in the dream. She hasn't eaten all day so she calls to her mother from the kitchen table saying that she wants something to eat. Clementine is sitting in the worn-out, plaid armchair in the living room, sobbing and waving her away.
    Little seven or eight year old Glenn pokes his head though the kitchen doorway. He looks sad, and as hungry as Sera feels.
    He walks into the kitchen and pulls a chair over to the counter so he can reach the loaf of bread that sits on top of the microwave. He sits at the kitchen table to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for his little sister. Then there's the sound of the butter-knife scraping the bottom of the glass jar and the realization that there's only two slices of bread left in the bag.
    The sandwich is sloppy and he cuts the triangles unevenly, but Sera doesn't care. Her big brother has saved the day.
    Glenn sits and watches her eat, getting peanut butter all over herself. When she is finished, he wipes off her face with a paper towel, kisses her on the forehead, and goes upstairs.

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