
Seeing Raven and Octavia she smiled, or at least tried before she saw the worry on their faces. "What happened?"

Octavia sighed. "It's Arkadia."

"Is Pike not dead?" Looking around the room, Clarke couldn't tell what the problem could be, not from anyone's faces anyway.

Sara spoke up. "I don't miss. He's dead."

Octavia looked at the blonde leaning against the wall. "Pike is dead." Returning her gaze to Clarke, she swallowed. "But it hasn't solved our problem entirely. People are confused, most saw Pike go down with a  bullet and think the Grounders are starting to use guns. Others think it was me in retaliation for the massacre of the Grounder forces-"

Raven jumped in. "Some even think I did it."

Looking between her two friends, Clarke knew what was coming and Lexa wasn't going to like it. "How long have we been gone?"

Sara pushed away from the wall. "Not long, an hour at most."

Nodding, Clarke looked at everyone in the room. "Do we know who shot me?" Everyone looked a little sheepish. "I'll take that as a no."

Thinking through the plan in her head, Clarke knew it was a risk, one very few were going to like. "Gideon, am I okay to get up?"

"You're vitals have stablisied and I have managed to partially heal your wounds. Although, without remaining in the med bay I cannot administer pain medication." Gideon's voice rang throughout the room.

"Better than nothing." Clarke went to take off the wristband connecting her to the med bay but was stopped by Lexa.

"You need to heal."

Looking into Lexa's green eyes, Clarke could see just how worried the warrior was and how reluctant she was to let her go now. "I need to deal with Arkadia before they start a war."

Lexa knew she was right, so did the others. "What's the plan?" Relieved she wasn't going to stop her, Clarke smiled.

"I'm going back to the gate, Octavia I want you to stay here with Raven. Sara do you mind if I keep the comms? I doubt anyone will be looking for anything other than a radio." Clarke looked at Sara.

"I wasn't letting you leave without them."

"Thank you." Some of the group still looked confused.

"What does going back in get you?" Kara tilted her head

Sara answered for her. "Information. Showing them that Clarke is alive will rattle the one that shot her, especially whilst they are trying to figure out who killed Pike."

"Exactly. I want to know what they know and this is the quickest way. Raven, if you can try and hack our systems to find out if they have anywhere off limits within camp." Raven nodded.

Gideon's voice cut through the room. "Sorry to interrupt, but if you want to get through as much of this as possible before the medication wears off I suggest going now."

Sighing, Clarke looked at Barry. "Could you give me a lift to the tree line?"

Barry stepped forward. "No problem."

Before she could step closer to Barry, Lexa grabbed her wrist. "Not yet."

Frowning, Clarke watched watched as Lexa took out her knife and cut one of her fingers. "What are you doing?"

Letting some blood pool on her finger, Lexa tilted Clarke's head up with her other hand. "If you are going back there, you are going to look the part. Close your eyes."

Unable to see, Clarke felt Lexa run two fingers in a straight line from her temple to her eyes, pulling apart slightly at the corner of her eyes. Done of both sides, she felt a cloth wipe at hte corner of her eyes, but what Lexa was doing she wasn't sure. After a few more moments, Lexa's hand under her chin fell away.


Clarke couldn't see what Lexa had done, but when she turned to see everyone else, she wasn't sure what to make of their silence. "What?"

Sara pulled something from a pocket on her belt, holding it up for a second before showing Clarke a picture of herself. The stares now made sense. She looked like death.

Lexa's blood was in two straight lines, formed into points at the corner of her eyes. As it was still drying, the blood was in places falling down her cheeks, which combined with her still slightly red hair and bloodied clothes made her look like death.

"Seriously? I'm the Commander of Death, doesn't mean I have to look like it." Lexa's lips turned up slightly.

"I know, but if they have any sense it will make them think twice before shooting you again." Handing Clarke a shoal to use as a hood until she reached the gate, Lexa stood back.

Clarke looked to Barry and stepped towards him. "Let's go."

Another World - Clexa/SupercorpWhere stories live. Discover now