Luna kom Floukru

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Luna never came here, what was so important she left her own clan to come to Polis? Standing next to Clarke, she could see the questions in her eyes even if she wasn't looking. Having cleaned most of Luna's wounds it was obvious she was a Nightblood, a Nightblood old enough to have been in her Conclave.

"Lexa, how is she a Nightblood, I thought the only ones were here in Polis?" Lexa couldn't take her eyes off the unconscious woman she hadn't seen in so long.

"They are. Luna... Luna ran from our Conclave and sought refuge within Floukru after she killed her brother. Titus and the clan leaders called for her head, demanded I hunt her down and remove her before she became competition." Lexa looked at Clarke. "I couldn't."

Clarke moved to put a hand on her arm, but stopped as the doors swung open. Titus. "Heda. I heard Skaikru brought an unknown woman into the walls of Polis, what do you want me to do?"

Rolling her eyes, Lexa turned to her Flamekeeper. "You are to do nothing Titus. I did not call for you and I would have thought you would know better than to barge into my guests' rooms without invitation." Hands behind her back, Clarke could see her gripping her wrist with enough force to make her knuckles white.

Titus bowed, "I apologise Heda. Still, is there anything you wish for me to do about this?" Lexa frowned, what was he getting at?

"I don't understand what you are referring to Titus? The situation has been handled." Raven and Luna are safe, treated and resting. What else was needed?

Titus looked at Clarke briefly. "A member of Skaikru broke the rules of Polis by helping sneak in another person - whether that person be Skaikru or not - it is against our laws. The punishment for such actions is clear." Lexa could have hit the man had he not held so much power with the clans, bringing up such laws that were yet to be introduced to Skaikru.

"There will be no punishment. The actions of Raven not only saved a life but also revealed a weakness in our defences as a gap in Polis' walls was not something I was aware of. Bring up such action on this matter again and you will be sent to Azgeda to scout for Natblidas." Not giving room for arguments, Titus left the room, closing the doors behind him.

Lexa made to leave the room, stopping at the doors when she saw Clarke moving to the couch. "Stay in my room tonight. Sleeping on that couch will not give you much sleep and tomorrow will be a long day." Clarke raised an eyebrow but followed the brunette.

She was about to open the doors when Clarke's breath on her neck made her stop. "What makes you think I would get much more sleep with you?" Lexa's jaw dropped as Clarke moved away into the room. "Tell the guards to not let anyone in and go to your room. I'll meet you there."

Lexa nodded, doing exactly as instructed, meeting Clarke in her chambers when she opened the door. Telling her where that hidden entrance was, was either a mistake or the best decision she ever made. Clarke's arms wrapped around her waist, lips seeking hers instantly.

She wasn't sure how, but Lexa found herself on the bed under Clarke as she explored her neck, he hands pulling at her top. "I'm starting to think I should have staying on my couch..."


Waking up with Kara was a new experience, not because it was her first time waking up with the blonde, but because she woke up to find the blonde asleep several feet above the bed. What the hell? Looking up at the blonde sleeping peacefully several feet above her head, Lena couldn't understand how she didn't feel the movement having fallen asleep on her chest.

About to try and wake her, Lena was interrupted by a knock at the door. "One moment." Getting up, Lena walked to the door and opened it as little as possible to try and hide Kara's sleep flying. Anya stood on the other side.

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