"Hope," I shout, throwing my arms out and making wide, crazy eyes at her.

"Oh! Yes, I'm sure all this is very common before coffee." Hope nods, glancing around the room. "You know what? I slept till eight today. Eight! It's been an year since I didn't see five a.m and you know what that means to me. And yeah, after waking up I rushed here to check on you but you were asleep so I met the staffs. The watchman, security, gardener and the young maid are amazing and they already love you but the main chef –or you can call her the old, bitchy chef because she is one— is grumpy. I mean she's not very happy with the news of Daniel's wedding... with you. She glared at me when I asked for a coffee but the young girl was so kind that she made me a tea and helped me make a toast." Hope nods approvingly.

"What time is it?" I ask, sliding out of bed and glancing at the walls, cringing slightly.

"Oh, it's eleven. You know what? I've had six cups of tea. Wait, no. Eight," she says with a shrug, reaching behind her and grabbing a mug she set down on the dresser.

"What is happening right now?" I whisper, shaking my head and staring at her as she sips from her mug which has the picture of Chris Hemsworth. Of course, she never forgets to bring her own cup with her.

"Well, for one, you were almost drunk after the dancing. You drank too much wine so Daniel took you home after bidding farewell to everyone and I followed you here," Hope states, grinning widely. "I knew you wouldn't be able to enjoy your wedding night since you were drunk and all but I didn't expect him to show me the guest room for you to sleep. He's seems a bit uncertain about you."

Not a surprise. People are not very sure when it's about you.

Setting her mug back down on the dresser, she walks over to me and grabs both of my hands.

"I don't want you to panic, but your plan of letting everyone believe that you both are in love may not work. He's gone to work with Ryan and I bet that's not something a married man in love would on the first day after his wedding. It seems this is a little bit crazy," Hope says, squeezing my hands. "But let's focus on you. What's happening right now is a bit different from what you planned, Ally, and you need to just embrace it. I mean.. you did hear his vows right?"

That was so sweet.

Hope lets go of my hands and walks over to the end of the bed.

"Accept it, Ally," Hope orders. "Feel it and maybe eventually you'll start to not loathe relationships so much. I must say, love is not my thing but I appreciate the bond and love between others. Well, aside from your parents, that's a weird one," Hope says, her face cringing slightly at her mention of my parents. They do have a complicated relationship.

"I agree, Daniel isn't very fond of you like most of the guys but at the same time he has a soft spot somewhere for you. All he did was stomp around muttering while you drank so much. But he's adorable, in a sort of way. I would not disapprove of you feeling his spirit while you're on this deal. A little fling for six months, if you will. He's not my type. He's married too. But you should totally go for him."

I stare at her for few seconds and then I laugh out loud at her.

"Not gonna happen," I tell her.

You big, fat lair.

"I'm here to do a job not for love. And isn't it an irony? He married me to get out a fling and now me starting another fling with him is ridiculous. And you know what? Married people having sex is not called fling, it's not normal and I definitely plan to do it but no way that's going to end in love. Six months and it's done."

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