Power struggle

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A/n- Sentences with "" are talking and '' are thoughts

Charles Xavier- you could feel he was being flirtatious that night at the bar and when you met for lunch a few days later. "Hi, (Y/n)! Sorry I was late I was just finishing up taking a class". Charles told you sounding confident, but he was lying.

"What class"? You asked, he read your mind so he knew you knew he was lying.

"I'm sorry I was afraid of you thinking I was some crazy person". He sighed leaning onto the table. "I was giving a lecture on genetic mutations". He told you the very surprising truth.

You could feel him in your mind you weren't sure what you were feeling when it happen the other night, but this was very clear. "You're in my head". You said causing him to lean away from the table.

"I'm sorry, it's uncommon that I find a mind that reads people like you do". Charles told you. 'Unless you don't have to try at all'. He talked to you in your mind.

'You're like me'. A smile crept onto your face.

'Yeah your power though what is it'? He chuckled

"Everyone has a color around them the colors mean different things nervous, happy, flirty". You smiled at him.

"Pretty close to mind reading". Charles said with a sly grin. "Would you like to meet my sister"? He asked standing up. "I think you'd be fascinated to meet each other".

Hank McCoy- he knew you could control water he didn't know what the full capacity of your ability was, until Kurt jumped into the lake. Not knowing how to swim. Your eyes rolled back in your head and you lifted the entire lake. Kurt teleported to shore and you dropped the water soaking yourself and Hank in the process, but it was fine, the blue boy was alive. "Let's not always listen to Scott's great ideas ok bud"? You told him when he hugged you .

"How much water can you control at once"? Hank asked wiping his glasses clean.

"If you're wondering if I can stop a tsunami the answer is yes". You chuckled slightly. "I could also theoretically cause one but I won't be testing that". You shrugged heading back to the school.

"She is incredible". Hank sighed watching Kurt thank you over and over again.

Logan- you were arguing with the short man "Trask" who made a mutant detector device. "And what's this one? With the scarf, another freak"? He asked you saw one of the buyers eyes flash from one color to the next.

"Raven". Charles read your mind. She tried to kill Trask and jumped out the window.

You stepped up to the window and lifted your arms out in front of you, it had a way of enhancing your power. You didn't sing as much anymore after you damaged your vocal chords on purpose after the school failed. "Turn off your cameras forget this all". You sang loudly over the gathered crowd while you felt Hank dump water on your neck so you could keep your strength. "Sleep now". You sang getting quieter and watching everyone drop to the floor. "It won't last". You told them turning around.

"She's a siren". Trask said uncovering his ears. He grabbed your arm and you slapped it away.

"You can't use this device, it'll be used for the wrong reasons". You told him.

"She's trying time use her voice on me"! He yelled covering his ears and running as fast as he could while Eric tried to shoot Raven.

"Stop". You sang at Eric making him drop the gun. He still shot Raven however because Trask's gun managed to get a shot off into your thigh.

"That was beautiful". Logan told you cradling you.

"Not enough time get through to your thick head though"? You joked when he suddenly collapsed. Charles tended to you while hank went after Eric.

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