Chapter 15 runaway

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“Alex actually left you standing there after the argument?”

“Yes! He didn’t even come to make sure I was okay, I get he’s worried about Jack but he doesn’t need to take it out on me. It’s his first time losing his temper with me it was scary.” Ash was throwing her clothes into her bag.

“Wow, I’ve learned a few things; they take things to seriously, over react and try to rush through things.” Shay said as she checked her twitter.

“They really do, well I’m all done I’ll be there in a few hours I’ll send you a text after the plane takes off.”

“See ya later!” Shay hung the phone up sighing reading texts from ATL fans she noticed a few that were concerned about Jack  and a few hate messages from Jack fans.

@ShayPreston: Really needs to get back with Jack! They were so cute!

Shay smiled weakly reading the small tweets; she tried her best to ignore the bad ones skipping onto the good ones.

            “Alex, bro. you need to apologize to roo, I don’t want you two to end up like Shay and I.” Jack said as they walked back to the hotel after a late night.

“No dude, she was talking to Shay behind our backs knowing you’ve been in this stage I cannot talk to her right now.”

“But their best friends Alex, do you really expect roo to stop talking to her? I don’t I wouldn’t want them to stop talking to each other.” He sighed.

Alex pulled out his cell phone.

He put it to his ear.

“Who is this?”

“Mike, who is this?”

“How do you have my girlfriend’s cell phone?”

Jack stared at him.

“Oh, she told me she was single.”

Alex couldn’t control it, Jack took the phone putting to his ear.

“How did you get this phone?”

The person laughed, “The airport it was left on the bench.”

“Wait did you say airport?”

Alex’s head jolted up staring at Jack as he was talking to the dude on the phone, he quickly ran up the stairs not wanting to wait for the elevator he was nearly out of breath as he almost ran into Jack as he got up to the floor.

He walked inside.

She wasn’t there; everything that belonged to her was gone.

“She’s gone.”

Alex sat down at the edge of the bed.

“Dude, you have a better chance at getting Ash back.”

“I fucking yelled at her Jack, I never do that shit.”

“Well sitting here isn’t going to fix it.” Jack said. “I know.” He added in.

Alex sighed drumming his thumbs against his knees as he tapped his foot gently on the floor; he took out his cell phone as Jack raised an eye brow.

“What are you doing?”


“Dude that shit won’t work.”

“I have to try.”

Jack sat back and let Alex does whatever it was he was planning on doing knowing now was his turn to be there for him since he was always there for him, getting over Shay leaving was hard , but he seemed to be able to control that now.

Alex’s ringtone went off interrupting him.

“Fucking shit.”


He answered.

“A what? Are you serious?”

He sighed.

“Alright, we’ll be there.”

He looked up, “We have a show tonight in two hours.”

“Are you fucking serious?”

“I swear dude if anything happens-“

“Alex, calm the fuck down it’ll be fine I’m sure Ash is fine.”

In the years I have known Alex I never would of thought to see him care this much about someone, but Ash changed him, watching them only makes me wish Shay and I were that away again maybe one day we will be.

Reckless And The Brave; Jack BarakatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora