Chapter 07

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Alex woke up from a deep slumber remembering he needed to go meet with Ashley, but as he tried to turn he noticed Jack and raised an eye brow.

“Dude what the fuck? You smell like fucking alcohol”

“She doesn’t trust me dude”

“Shayla? Did you honestly think she’d forgive you that fast bro?”

I nod.

“Were you at a bar last night?”

I nod again.

“She’s going to fucking kill you, dude do you want her to forgive you?”

I nod again.

“Order in room service, bring it to her.” Alex sighed. “Then talk to her tell her you’re going to show her that she can trust you again like before but better, now come on dude I love you but get the fuck out of the bed I need to get up.”

I rolled off the bed onto my feet fixing my messy hair, “But first dude take a fucking shower.” He threw me over a towel catching it I slowly walked into the bathroom stripping down stepping inside thinking about everything Alex had told me to do.

            As I walked back into the room after the long shower leaving Alex no hot water knowing he’d kill me for that later Shayla was just getting up I had ordered her favorite as I remembered it clearly Chocolate chip pancakes and a hot chocolate to start off the day strawberries on the side, she rose an eye brow seeing all of the food I had sit on the bed in front of her.

“Jack what’s all of this?”

I took in a deep breath.

“I don’t blame you for not trusting me Shay, it was horrible I was stupid for hurting you for letting you go that night, I’m going to prove to you that I have changed that I’m sorry for hurting you, when you said that you didn’t trust me last night it felt like a fucking knife going through my chest right then and there, to start off with the trust I went to a bar last night I didn’t do anything but drink it’s all I could think about doing after that, starting now I’m owning my trust back.”

I took in a deep breath nodding standing up knowing I have said everything I needed to say turning my back walking out of the room closing the door leaving her sitting there to maybe enjoy her morning breakfast.

            “Hello guy’s I’m Tori I will be doing the interview today, how are you guys?”

“Fantastic” Alex grinned.

I shrug as she pointed the mic toward me.

The others had all good answers as I slid down my chair drumming the sides of the chair as the Mic had come back to me.

“First question is for Jack, a fan wants to know are you and Shayla Roberts broken up? Or are you two back together? You’ve been spotted tons of times don’t deny it Jack.” Alex eyed me.

I clear my throat for this sitting up straight, “Shay and I are back together, we’re trying to work things out slowly it’s something we both want.” She smiled.

“That’s sweet how did you get her back if you don’t mind me asking?”

I shook my head.               

“We were three states away I had come up with this idea she loves blue roses I went to the store and bought her a dozen of them and waited at her front door for her to answer it took a while but I got her to speak to me but Shayla if your out there watching this right now I’m sorry I know your still hurting but I want to fix that, just let me try.” Tori smiled, the other guys were at awe.

“Well girls there you have it, Jayla is back.”

The interview lasted for a good 30 minutes till they had called it a wrap I grabbed my water bottle walking back stage leaning against the cool brick wall.

            Back at the hotel Ash and Shayla were listening to the interview, Shayla frowned hearing the sadness in Jack’s voice suddenly feeling bad for what had happened last night, Ash stared at her.

“What’s going on?”

“We almost had sex last night until I stopped it, until I bombed the I still don’t trust you on top of him.” Ash bit her lip.

“Ouch.” She sighed.

The door swung open only turning around to see Alex and Jack standing there as Rian and Zack passed the room to go to their own, Alex took Ash’s hand smiling.

“Come on lets go.”

She nods walking out with him.

Jack stood there, “Do you want to go do something today?”

She nods running her fingers through her hair grabbing her Blink 182 hoodie she walked over standing in front of me as I opened the door leading her out locking it up hoping this day would be perfect.

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